Hardy cartridge

Being a klutz, I keep destroying the stylus on my ADC XLM II. It is in a low mass Magnepan Unitrac in my 'B' system.
Thinking about all the abuse DJs give their styli. Is there anything rugged but decent sounding of highish compliance I might want?
Classical and Jazz.
Maybe you should re-evaluate how your handling your tonearm and the cause of your mishaps.Does your tonearm have a cueing device? If not, I would see what could be done to add one. I have added a Jelco cue lifter to my Audio Technica ATP-12T tonearm as I don't trust myself to handle the tonearm with my expensive (to me) Denon DL-103 cart on it. This has taken a lot of the anxieties out of the equation when playing records. Now I just have to be fairly careful not to do something stupid. Yea, that will likely happen someday. LOLAlso a suspended table that's bouncy will add to the problem, so all my tables tend to be high mass plinth types.
I envy the folks that can handle mega thousand dollar carts with the utmost confidence. AND handle the hit if they have a fail.

The better vinyl approach is to dub a high-quality copy onto a HD or SSD and park the LP for 'occasional play' only.

If you Must manual que, brace your wrist on the plinth or finger-bridge like a billiards' player.....

Have arm lifts been classified as verboten for those of True Audiophilic Endeavour?  Is it too much for those of low gram weights to test their floppy 'uman tendons to loft and land with nary a 'tic'?