Yet Another Post About Power Conditioners!

OK, OK, so I know there are eleventy billion posts about what power conditioners are better than others. I've read them all...yes, all eleventy billion! But, I am still wondering which one I should chose.

Here's the backdrop: I have four dedicated, 20-amp outlets. There's a bunch of noise on them. So bad I can hear a local hip hop station clearly playing through my Greenwave Dirty Noise Filter w/speaker. I use an assortment of very high-end, and expensive power cables,. I use very expensive, high-end outlets. My system consists of a Mobile Fidelity Ultradeck, a PS Audio GCHP phone stage, an AudioLab 6000CDT transport, a Burson Audio 3x Reference headphone amp, and Focal Clear headphones. Everything is connected with really good interconnects, most of which are balanced. Having downsized from a much larger, much more power system, these nuggets suit my current needs just fine.

Still that AC noise. Given the size of my system, it's silly to spend mega-bucks on a regenerator, or the expensive balanced isolation transformer PCs. Based on my research, I've narrowed my choices to these in the $1500 and under price range:

Furman Elite 15 or 20 PFi (used)
AudioQuest Niagara 1200
PS Audio Dectect
Core Power Equi=Core 1000 or 1800 (no return policy, ugh)
Shunyata Hydra 8 (used)
Decware ZLC (10-12 month wait, ugh)
NuPrime Pure AC-4
Toroid BTE500E or 1000E Balanced Transformer
Tripplite ISO500 or 500HG Isolation Transformer
Torus TOT Mini Balanced Transformer

Yes, that's an extensive list, but my search reveals these are the top choices by many folks, as well as a few, little-known contenders.

If you have actual experience with any of these--and have compared them to other PCs, your opinion or recommendations would be appreciated greatly. You're welcome to suggest others, too, if you've done hands-on comparisons.

@mikelavigne: Mike- you preachin’ to the choir. I am also of the view that sorting basic power issues before applying what may amount to band-aids is not only more effective overall, but pretty cost-effective. I had an intermittent noise in my system and after replacing every tube, a bad XLR connector and and a bad tube socket, the noise wound up being caused by some dust on the contact plate for one of the battery panels in the line stage. But, having gone through a ground up electrical system "audit" and upgrade when I first moved here, the "noise issue" was independent of all of that. I guess that is to say we are dealing with "systems" and there are many parts to same. Basically, I agree with you in terms of where to start. Where you end up may be a different matter depending on the problem.
As to finding contractors, oy. My favorite was sent to prison in NY but that’s a whole other story....
If you are hearing a radio station through your AC that is a first. More likely it is RFI getting into the phono stage. If so it can probably be fixed for free. Clean and treat phono leads, check ground, experiment with moving the phono leads coming from the arm to the phono stage. 
Thanks to all who are trying to problem-solve the source of my common problem. I really do appreciate your efforts and thoughts. However, we are straying off-topic. I have done a lot of research about everything related to power conditioning, including what causes noise and hum (Remember I’ve read all eleventy billion posts on this subject). Where I am at now is simply looking for an additional component, or "band-aid," as some have commented, to take my audio quality to a higher level. So, if we can, let’s just keep the discussion focused on your favorite power conditioners, preferably from the list above.
@output555  In answer to your question a while ago, yes, I other threads on the Puritan I posted how I compared them over a period of time with a substantial number of other respected units, most of them costing more, and the Puritan came out as the winner.  Once you see the way ahead clear, they are definitely worth checking out.

@phcollie They rarely appear on the secondary market because most owners hold on to them!  There are a number of stockists on the U.S.  Check out Verdant Audio who regularly posts on this site, as well as Holm Audio and Audio Archon, among others.