Why the hate for mcintosh amps?

Why dont people,like mcintosh? Who motivates this?

so what are the alternatives??
YesI agree MOABS are more efficient, 90dB@2.83V@1m as opposed to 86dB@2.83V@1m however my point was that driving 17 as opposed to 3 speakers will take quite a bit more power. To reach compatable efficiency (150W vs 900W max input) I would be sporting 400W MonoBlocks rather than a 75W 2 channel.
I don't mean to be argumentative, but regardless of the number of drivers a speaker has, the efficiency is what it is. The MOAB was designed to be used with lower power tube amplifiers or higher power solid state amplifiers if the user chooses that, but it is not required.
@roxy54  It's all good, We really are talking cats and dogs here, the MOAB's are a completely different speaker design than Harbeths. 20Hz vs 40Hz right off the bat will require a significant power boost to run the woofs efficiently and each speaker will draw from whats available. The sweet spot for each brand has to be quite different. If I tried to drive them at the same power level as the MOAB's I would blow the voice coils across the room. Just sayin.
@audioquest4life - sorry to hear about your back surgery. Like I said, that’s why I said the 911 would be my car so long as I can get in and out of it. They guy who traded in my GTS was waiting for the next gen GT3 after they had to replace all the engines of the then current model. I like the GT3 but can’t live without a sunroof and don’t want to go back to 997.1, so the normally aspirated GTS is the best I can do. I need some semblance of practicality and reliability, something McLaren,R8 or Lambo (really an Audi) can’t provide. Same with Ferrari. Also, I am not looking for the flashiness of those cars - I prefer stealth- to the degree a 911 can be, considering that there are plenty of them driving around.

As far as stereos go, I am not a frequent trader- I’d rather improve what I have. Had my previous speakers for 25 years, turntable for 9 and my amp is now 16 and counting….At this point, I just like this site for the comedy and the seriousness of some of the posters. It’s not life and death.
Just a guess- that when said haters first heard Mac amplification they were paired with the wrong speakers (e.g. speakers that are warm and rich).  
Paired with neutral or even bright speakers Mac sounds fabulous.