Mcintosh 462 stereo amp, good choice for b&w? Others

Is mcintosh 462 stereo amp a good choice to power 802 d3?  Seems it is, any other, or better options?
To all the McIntosh haters, the factory has broken ground on a huge expansion at their Binghampton factory.   From what I hear, their business has more than doubled in the past year.  Their 462 is their newest amp in that series.  It's the last amp you will ever need.   I am not a B & W fan but the amp sounds great on Focal and Legacy speakers.
I had the 802 d3 with the 452. It was a good pair, but I always found the bass lacking with the 802s. Went to the Wilson Alexia 2 and it was like someone added a sub to my system. Night and day difference in the low end. Granted I also switched to a Boulder 1160 amp which I’m sure helped, but still. The match was fine with the mc and 802d3, but there are definitely better amps (and definitely way better preamps) out there at the same price. 
@mayoradamwest, just curious if you used the 8 ohm or 4 ohm tap with your 802d3’s?
I tried both and heard very little difference but settled on the 4ohm one. For my space, though, the non-ported 802 d3 just didn’t pack a low end punch. I tried integrating a sub but didn’t like that either. I actually use the 805d3 for my home theater (paired with a Theta amp) and an SVS-SB16 which wound great. The SB16 really fills the space.