Audio Envy O’nestian 3:4 vs DH Labs Revelation Interconnects

I've been using DH Labs Revelation XLR Interconnects in my main system for a few years now and have been very happy with them.  The system is comprised of a PS Audio Directstream DAC, PS Audio BHK preamp, PS Audio BHK250 amp & Magnepan 1.7i speakers.  I didn't want to spend $550 on a .5 meter pair of Revelations for my second system, so after reading many positive review s here,I purchased a set of 2ft' O'nestians, which is their minimum length.  The second system consists of an RME ADI-2 DAC/preamp, PS Audio Stellar S300 amp & KEF LS50 speakers.

I've have about 200 hours burn in time so far on the O'nestians, although word has it that it takes 400 hours for them to open up completely.  After comparing them with the Revelations, I'm stunned how close they sound, especially for costing $176.00 shipped.  The Revelations have just a hair more space around the instruments and just slightly more definition & quicker transients. All in all though, they're very close.  I'm anxious to hear what the differences might be once I hit 400 hours burn in time.  

Captain, the owner of Audio Envy, answers the phone and is a great guy to deal with.  He spoke to me at length, answering all of my questions on multiple calls before I pulled the trigger.  I highly recommend these cables to anyone looking for high end sound at a reasonable price.  They're very well made and fairly flexible, too. 
My experience mirrors your own.  Audio Envy has become my personal go-to for high quality, reasonably priced audio cabling:  Like you, I have a pair of the O’nestian 3:4 (balanced) - as well as a pair of the Studio Prestige (RCA) interconnects and a 15 ft. ToneKraft headphone cable.  All are excellent performers.  Ocean-Elite power cords are next on my wish list.  No affiliation - just a satisfied customer.
Glad to hear you too have had success with your Audio Envy cables. I also bought an Ocean Elite 3p, 4ft power cable, but am not as impressed as with the interconnects. I just spent some time comparing it with a Forte F3 6ft cable and prefer the Forte. The mids are richer/fuller with the Forte on my second system and is just what the Stellar S300 DC amp needed. The Cable Company sells the Forte F3 for $150, while the Ocean Elite costs $179.00. The Ocean Elite is a much nicer looking and better built cable with gorgeous, heavy duty plugs, compared to the Forte’s molded rubber plugs, but I prefer the sound.
I've not tried the DH Labs Revelation IC's but do have a pair of the Audio Envy RCA interconnects on my turntable. I tried the Onestian Balanced cable too and while at first was impressed with the dazzling detail and speed found long term I couldn't stand it in my system. It became very fatiguing in my system. As always YMMV. The RCA seems fine though so there apparently is some difference in the way the two cables are designed to my way of thinking.

I do use the DH Labs Mirage USB cable as well as their AES/EBU and have been extremely impressed with those.