Can we talk about Qobuz for a minute

    I use to use Spotify until i heard Tidal, and now with my Parasound Integrated amp having a pretty nice dac onboard im bypassing my Bluesound Node2’s internal dac and it sounds great.

    Is Qobuz just like Tidal as to song selections and ease of use. I haven’t check pricing either.

    Is there a reason some really like Qobuz sound better, without it turning into a blood bath Lol, thanx guys

calvanandhobbes, I have the same impression of a “smile” shaped eq.  A bit of boom and sizzle with every song.  Current Tidal user here. 
If i was looking to just stream hi-res would i be choosing the $15 month rate, i have no need to purchase downloads
@rhljazz My guess is that Tidal applies that EQ so rap, hip-hop and pop music sounds "better" on lower fidelity gear.


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