Help selecting a power cord.

All my gear has the factory supplied power cords  I’m ready to try 1 aftermarket power cable as a test.  So what brand power cable should it be and what device gets it first?  Tube pre?  Tube main?  D/A?  CD transport?  Roon Nucleus?  Subs?  GE Trefs?? Turntable? Oppo 103?   Which piece of my gear should be most affected by the improved power cord??  I look forward to the responses and will likely choose the cord that has the most recommendations.
If I was going to try just one pc I would choose Cullen. Those seem to make a positive difference wherever they are connected. Then move it to a different component every few days and decide where it fits best.We all gotta start somewhere.
Take a serious look at the Puritan power conditioners, 136 and 156.  Less expensive than the big boys and actually more effective.  If I had to apportion money, I'd put it there before trying power cords.  BTW, the Puritan PCs are also very good and don't break the bank.  But the 156 is transformative: check out several threads about it here.
Use Pangea Audio cables on everything for power cords. I did everything at once so I can’t comment on where to start. They have different cords depending on the component type.

I wouldn’t beak the bank on power cords. For me, they didn’t make much of a difference. Power regeneration did make a big difference. I use PS Audio P20. They have smaller units to fit your budget and needs. They also have a 30 day return.
“I wouldn’t break the bank on power cords. For me, they didn’t make much of a difference.”

Is that why you picked Pangea 😸