Help selecting a power cord.

All my gear has the factory supplied power cords  I’m ready to try 1 aftermarket power cable as a test.  So what brand power cable should it be and what device gets it first?  Tube pre?  Tube main?  D/A?  CD transport?  Roon Nucleus?  Subs?  GE Trefs?? Turntable? Oppo 103?   Which piece of my gear should be most affected by the improved power cord??  I look forward to the responses and will likely choose the cord that has the most recommendations.

Showing 5 responses by bigby

Use Pangea Audio cables on everything for power cords. I did everything at once so I can’t comment on where to start. They have different cords depending on the component type.

I wouldn’t beak the bank on power cords. For me, they didn’t make much of a difference. Power regeneration did make a big difference. I use PS Audio P20. They have smaller units to fit your budget and needs. They also have a 30 day return.
@lalitk I chose Pangea based on a recommendation from a friend. They are very good cords for the money.  Power cords don't make much difference in my system because of the components. 


My system sounds fantastic so I didn’t try any other power cords. I was happy with Pangea/BAT and now with Pangea/Spectral. Pangea is a very good investment. Power cords don’t make much of a difference with high end gear. Spending on other things like room acoustics will bring more improvement. Thanks for your comments and questions.

I'm happy with Pangea. The high end cords didn't sound any better (not sure of the brand).  I sold them for shipping cost to get them out of the house quickly.

Thank you for your comments.  I guess I should have sent my old cords to you to try in your system.