Why Does All Jazz Sound The Same?

Squeaky squeak squeak, honk honk honk, ratta tap tap, bing bang bong, tinkle tinkle, rumble bum bum.  

God I love it!
Why does all women sound the same ?

Squeaky squeak squeak, honk honk honk, ratta tap tap, bing bang bong, tinkle tinkle, rumble bum bum.  

And we love it
it would be too confusing if it sounded different, then we couldn't be sure it really is jazz...
Sorry guys.  Was making a joke!  I love jazz more than any other music.  I used to think it all sounded the same but once it clicked it became my favorite form of music.  
I feel like a troll for this.  Should have added sarcasm quotes or something!
Yeah, I know.  I was mocking my coworker who always says that jazz all sounds the same.  I should have explained that but I wasn't very much awake yet when I had that thought.  
I told him he should try listening to the Grateful Dead (who I love BTW).  A lot of people say that all Dead music sounds the same.