Unbelievable 3-D imaging sound

I finally got my speakers position and sitting area position correctly for my system.
My system consist of
Macintosh 601 Mono-Block amps
Macintosh C47 pre-amp
bluesound node streamer, I’m using the DAC in my McIntosh C47
Martin Logan Renaissance 15A electrostatics
Tributaries reference cables all around, including power cables for the amps

Well, all I can say is I cannot believe the sound. I cannot pull away from listening to song after song.  Rap songs are absolutely clear and powerful.
Vocals are as if someone is singing in your room. especially the song, the Joke by Brandy Carlisle. I kid you not.
 The Sound  of Silence, by Two Cellos is astonishing. Plus, I never listened before, to that type of music. But is now in my play list. Go figure that out

Mainly, the setup produces clear 3D music. You can pin point where each instruments/song is intended to coming from in the original recording. Some time as many as 5 locations    Some really awesome imaging. Seriously, it’s like having audiophile level headphones on all the time

Maybe I should not be, but I’m surprised a System sounds this good. Its well worth the retail value put on it

Of course I can add this or change that to possibly get a better sound, but I am ok

However,  I did order and will receive a McIntosh C53 PreAmp  In a week to replace the C47. Mainly because of the equalizer’s and the ability to upgrade the DAC as the future dictates. The cost for the upgrade should be minimal compared to trying to purchase a new DAC all the time

Needed to post this because I am just so blown away with the sound
In the best of worlds we could download each song in 24 tracks or whatever and be our own mastering technician. Actually that possibility already exist on the internet for some electronic music. 
The ability for me to make compensations  based on my room being inadequate, or my hearing inadequacies or my desires to bring a particular instrument or vocal to the front or send it to the back gives me all the pleasures in the world and my opinion, make it better on my view

Yeah, would be great. Only it doesn't work that way. EQ has no idea what voice or whatever you imagine, it only knows frequency. So everything that frequency gets hyped up. Or filtered out. Not only what you imagine. All of it.  

EQ is like when you go into a store and hear some speaker or whatever and its all cockeyed hyped out of whack, but in a way that catches your attention and you like it. "Wow I never heard cymbals like that before!" Then six months later you're all, "Man I am so sick and tired of these speakers making everything sound like a hyped up cymbal!" And then if instead of learning from this you repeat the mistake you come on here or go searching around saying stuff like, "what amp/pre-amp/DAC/power cord/fill in the blank can I get to match with these damn hype the cymbals speakers?" And you slap one band aid after another over the problem and everyone here is happy because you're spending money hand over fist and just as miserable and unsatisfied as everyone else but gosh darn it you're on the treadmill and running like mad can't be much further to the end now.... 

Sound familiar? 

Here's the kicker. You said the whole reason for doing this EQ was "if there’s this lady, for instant, singing in the background that sounds so damn good in my opinion, that I wanna hear more of her,  this gives me the opportunity to actually do that".  

Problem being, this EQ can only be connected to your system with interconnects that cost money. Interconnects must of course be very high quality or else you easily lose more with the IC than you can possibly gain with EQ. Happens all the time. Almost guaranteed in fact. Same goes for the power cord. Don't expect to get quality EQ from a freebie rubber power cord. Never in a million years. Now the coup de grace: all this money spent on power cords, interconnects, and EQ is money taken away from things that would genuinely improve sound quality- genuinely, really, truly give you "more of her":  better amp, source, speakers, wire, etc. 

We want exactly the same thing. I want to hear more and more Jennifer Warnes. Only I know there's only one way that can be done: Less is more.

@preslisa64, I am not versed in all this equipment and just looked up some of what you have.  Just the speakers, monoblocks and that Mac C53 you will be getting put the total up around $30,000!   Definitely not a starter set!  Lol.  Out of my league, for sure.  

It would be nice if you posted pics of your room and system on your profile for the rest of us to enjoy.  As they say, “Enjoy the music”!
11-10-2020 8:20pm  

I’m not your standard guy. If I tweak a particular instrument to what I like, or make a recording that I favor more, then I’m satisfied. It’s really all about me at this point. I’m usually the one listening to it most of the time. I would not necessarily say” I’m messing it up. 

I’m using a miniDSP on as pair of $6000 Speakers (name withheld - a friend lent them to me to break in). I had to boost the Bass from 100Hz on down to 20Hz with a gentle 6dB/octave slope along with a slight bump above 10kHz. Did not touch the 100Hz - 10kHz region so as not to mess up the Speaker’s intended sound character/signature.

Using EQ is a good thing and I used to be a "no Tone controls allowed" type of person. I’ll be 51 in a month and my hearing is barely good to 13kHz. The Speakers should sound the way YOU like it.