Thinking about getting a R2R DAC

Dear community,

I currently have a chord qutest DAC. I like it a lot, very full sound, accurate detailed and exciting.  However, whenever I go back to vinyl (with a well-recorded nice pressing) I find the sound so much more satisfying.  There is a warmth, yes, but there is a presence, a 'there-ness' that I just don't get with the digital.  I'm wondering if an R2R DAC would get me closer to that?  my budget would be around the same as the qutest.  I was looking at the MHDT Orchid or the Border Patrol.  Don't get me wrong, I really like the Qutest.  I am thinking of putting it in the upstairs system to pair with the Node2i I have up there.  Any thoughts?  Will analog always just be a different animal than digital?

Currently in the main system I have a Sonore uRendu feeding the Qutest which is going to a LTA MZ2 going to a Pass XA 30.5

I believe that the following explanation makes a lot of sense;
So the readers digest version is that it is all a matter of implementation. 
Everything matters and simplicity will beat unnecessary complication most times, particularly for most consumers' budgets. Everything must be taken into consideration and impedance mismatches between the digital source and the DAC account for a lot of problems that many listeners complain of. Everything needs to be implemented optimally just as with vinyl playback. 
Now let me acknowledge that I am biased but I am also putting my money where my mouth is-I have a DAC II Special with USB on its way to me. And as I said before, I heard a top tier Audio Note digital rig at Axpona '19 and the sound was stellar. 
@dannad I see how the Stereophile list helps make that narrower point. Agreed.

A lot is involved and way beyond my knowledge -- and beyond certain quality levels, probably my ability to hear. Good, short video, here:
While Stereophile has always been my go-to for reviews keep in mind they don’t review every DAC (includes the MHDT Orchid) and most, if not all, of the DACs you cite are considerably more expensive. In the Orchid’s case there is an excellent review by 6Moons that is quite consistent with my experience 2+ weeks into owning it. Keep in mind the DAC segment, in particular, is very focused on state-of-the-art features when how it sounds to ones particular ears far outweighs anything else. For $1,300 the Orchid sounds incredible and I have the ability of greatly changing the sound by rolling the analog stage tube. For me, non-fatiguing “musicality” is more important than “analytical” presentation that can sound very etched. To each their own.
Yep. Non-fatiguing. No oversampled or over processed fake echo sound.

MHDT, 16-bit, Audio Note, 18 bit. Proven chipsets. Good transformers. "no over sampling, no jitter reduction, no noise shaping and no re-clocking. Digital filtering removed". Less in the signal path. Paired with single or double triode valves, and wallah!  Less is more.  Engaging music.
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