Your pick of CD player....

To replace my nice sounding Jolida JD100. With all the well deserved accolades about the JD..I do feel it outperformes many players at the 2K price point and some higher priced players.. I know many of you have upgraded to the AA Prima 24/96 MkII and its a definate improvement. I would concider this and also the Canary 100, Cary 308T(which I owned a few years ago...but couldn't appreciate on my then lousy system)
and perhaps the 303/200 at its used price is worth concidering.

I also think about the older Wadia 21,16 or 6 as they were excellent players in thier time...but perhaps are outperformed by the likes of the players Ive mentioned above...I need some thoughts.....price point is up to ~ 1500-1700 used....Thanks.
I think most of the players mentioned above will beat the Jolida in detail, but going from a tubed player (Jolida got the tube sound right) to a SS cause you to lose that addicting quality but give more detail and blah blah blah. The Cary 308T will give a tube sound with more detail. I have a used and modded (superclock II only) Sony XA777ES which I got used for $1,550. It is smooth sounding (no digital harshness if you will) - and the low level detail is just amazing making it impossible for me to go back to a player that doesn't give as much detail. It is much better than the Cary 308T which I had before it.
I replaced my JD100 with the Resolution Audio CD55. It cant quite match the Jolida's midrange lushness but it beats it everywhere else. All while not sounding too analytical. I highly recommend it.
Just got my Sony 999es back from Dan from Modwright. I did own a Cary 303-100 previously and this player is better. Not fully broken in yet. Already the slight digital etch I had with the Cary is now gone with the Modwright and the soundstage is more three dimensional. I did like the Cary very much.
Thanks for all the info so far guys. I am going to be using Dans own pre amp SWL 9.0SE .I believe in Dan's products.. and what he does to make his modded Sonys truly great according to many who have gone this route. Now that said..I just have an aversion to bringing home a SONY to be the center piece of my Audio system. I have awefull memories of owing them, and was a certified Sony basher in the 80's.(mostly a fundimental philosophical issue with a huge company that was just out to sell as many products as possible..I felt Id rather support the smaller home grown talent)and yes...I know the AA is French made. ;-)

But that said..if you were to look at my system you'd find Usher speakers and a few Chinese based amps along the way..

But, I think Im leaning to the AA Prima in the end. Any other thoughts welcome..Thanks
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