

Garage Noise

Mostly leftover pieces from a circa 1989 Circuit City purchase. It gets used more than you might think. I am in the garage quite a bit. In time I may upgrade to some nice gear, but, it seems a sha...

Small Two Channel

Small Two Channel

Updated November 27th 2007 I love this little system. It hasn't been through many changes since I set it up about 3 years ago. A couple of Amps, a couple of CDPs, 3 or 4 speaker changes, and a tra...

Home Theatre

Home Theatre

Updated 08-15-07 I am very pleased with the Arcam. Not a lot of set options but it has great sonics. May very well be upgraded to the 350 soon. I have upgraditis again! The Genelecs displaced B &...

Office System

I have a small office, where retail business is conducted. Lots of walk ins and tons of phone calls, so there is no need to jam. This setup performs flawlessly.