l want to build a solid wood turntable

Sam here and I haven't owned a turntable in 25 years, however if I build a turntable out of solid aged wood like a nice musical instrument with the tone arm connected to the center spool made of solid wood to get the vibrations and the stylus made from shungite would I get super vinyl sound more analog like? This will be my new project.
Thanks for the link, that was fascinating. I must say though that the turntable in the finish was really ugly. The top looked like an old parquet floor that needed replacing, and that veneer he put on the side just looked terrible and had no visual relation to the top. Shame after so much work. He should have had the whole thing professionally veneered for all of the great work that he did.
guitarsam, kenjit, and b4icu walk into a bar and............................


That's nothing, I was the bartender, O2 only when I bartend.  Deep breaths, fella!... Never understood a word they said,
WAY to hi tec for me.. Just sayin' DEEP BREATHS.....

Let me go polish a rock or two.... Even my pets need attention.
low cost, low maintenance... Pet Rocks.... They love the classics, and calm right down after listen... I go introducing, other "rocks" in the mix, I'm sure it would turn out to be a brawl... Not just every rock gets along with every other kind of rock... Kinda like the little fighting fish, just can't get along...
