The very best sound: Direct to Disc

Since I got a new cartridge (Clear Audio Virtuoso) i’ve rediscovered the Sheffield and RR Direct Disc albums in my collection.  
Wow! they put everything else to shame.  I picked up about twenty Sheffield D2D’s when Tower Records went out of business for a song (no pun intended.) I’m just now listening to them and find there’s nothing that sonically compares.  They’re just more real sounding than anything else.  Not spectacular but realistic.   
Dear @rvpiano :  Me neither but my latest experiences with new D2D ( Anne Bison. ) , some from Acoustics Sound, the Elio Villafranca, etc, etc. are not the best ones.
Those engineers can have the knowledge but seems to me not very good skills on that kind of overall recording process.

@rauliruegas I was thinking of pulling the trigger on the Anne Bisson D to D album, why do you think it is not one of the better ones?
I just ordered the new Gary Bartz & Maisha D2D and it 
should arrive shortly. I have the Sean Kuti  & Egypt 80, 
also on the Night Dreamer label. I like it but think that 
the Bartz/Maisha might get a bit more play based on
what I've heard on Youtube.

Quite reasonably priced in any event. 
Dear @daveyf  : My first AB LP was the title Blue Mind under Fidelio label . She is very good composer and with really good voice and the recording was very good too on quality performance level.

The D2D one has not that really " live " imediacy and palpabilty that you can hear in Flamenco Fever or the Keltner track or the Earl Hines recordings.

It's not that is not good seems to me that I already had high expectations about before I listened.

@rauliruegas  Agree that the Blue Mind title is very good...which leads me to have much higher expectations for the D2D. Since you apparently had the same expectations, I can see how this could lead to a let down! 
Compared to Flamenco Fever ( which one has to admit, the music lends itself for extreme dynamics and immediacy..and which lady with piano in some ways does not) I am not that surprised that the overall SQ is less impressive. One question is why there are so very few 'amazing' sounding recordings out there in this day and age?  Is digital the cause of this?