Change input labels

I have a Marantz 2250b and the labels on the input dial are not related to my system at all. For example my phono stage goes to Aux and my DAC goes to Tape 1. My DAC has three inputs (computer, airport, and chromecast) labeled 1, 2, & 3. So no indication of what is what.

I can keep things straight because I set it up by my family gets frustrated.

Are there any methods for re labeling the faceplates of these devices that don’t look like $#! +?
Can you adjust the font size regardless of the tape size? 
1/4 inch seems to large but you mentioned cutting text out? 
Here we see yet another problem with digital. No digital, no problem. The answer is staring you in the face.
Not really. My phono stage uses tubes. I wouldn't use the Marantz phono pre amp regardless. 
The only tape I have is 1/2 inch wide but when I select the smallest font size the letters are 1/8 inch high.