Which of these power cords ?

I'm looking to upgrade my sound with upgraded power cords. Given I've got a tube preamp, 2 mono block tube amps, Aurender DAC and 2 Martin Logan speakers - we're talking up to 7 power cords so I'd like to keep the total cost for all of them to $1000ish. 

And some suggest going with one brand, to get the biggest benefit.

Brands on short list include:

All I can tell u is that shunyata venoms sound much better than stock cables and also better than many well known brands which cost more.  I have replaced more expensive power cords with venoms and still use them and my system is pretty decent
harbeth super hl5 driven by LFD NCSE with a bel canto E one streamer feeding a moded bel canto DAC and a luxman DA 250.
The only power cord that has bettered the venoms cost over 1k and it is an audioquest tornado and it does not blow the venoms away
Venoms are one of the best values in this crazy audio world we a part of!!
In my experience:
A= Significant improvement in sound quality
B= Modest improvement in sound quality
C= Minimal improvement / No discernible change in sound quality

Shunyata (Alpha Digital, 2016) for my DAC= A . I bought this for $500 from Usedcables ( owned by The Cable Company, but with a separate web site). Best money I spent on PCs, but after a lot of trial and error.
Highly Recommended- choose the model based on the current needs of your component. Older models with Ztron technology are terrific. Haven't tried the new Venom, Alpha, ....line

Allnic ZL3000= B. Bought new from a dealer on Audiogon for $840- do not recommend because they are overpriced for the small improvement

NRG Custom cables, Canada. Bought for CDN$400 = B. Recommended, but don't expect "instant improvement" like you could get from Shunyata.

Zavfino majestic, $225= C Also not recommended.

Signal Cable= C. Not recommended

Amazon- W ? or something= C .Not recommended 

I strongly support the idea of auditioning cables from the Cable  Library with The Cable Company ( they also own the site www.usedcables.com)

Hope this helps.

An audiophile for 40+ years I also worked for the power company. 

The power coming into your equipment has traveled many miles to get to you.  The last 50-100 feet of wiring in your home are probably solid 10, 12, or 14 gauge copper wire of varying quality. Can it make much, if any, difference to change the last few feet to high quality cable?

I would love to hear a technical explanation of why it could.
I believe that you need to seriously evaluate what your goals are. Come up with a  strategy that works best for you. As this is a hobby, there are no wrong answers.

Do you want a system that is "good enough" as some would suggest?
There is nothing wrong with that if that is your goal, but I do not think it is  as you seem to have made a committed investment in your electronic components.

You have also identified that power delivery to your electronic components is important. And you are right to believe so. Stock PCs will generally yield 50% (if that) performance out of your components, meaning that your units are not operating at the level they were designed to with stock PCs in place.

That said you have initially budgeted an average of $140+ for a possible upgraded delivery of power system for each one of those pieces of equipment. Based on the DAC alone - I am taking an average since you did not list the model,  you are looking at a 5% investment

I doubt that you are going to make much of a difference with that kind of Budget. This is a step sideways rather than a step forward towards getting the maximum performance out of the components you have already invested in. Generally a 25 - 30% investment in power delivery is where you are going to realize substantial performance changes - in everything.

Think of your Power delivery as another Component to invest in. I would keep the stock PCs and start with a power distributor and then move methodically piece by piece. After the Distributor then make an investment by replacing the PC from the wall to the distributor.  Next move to the DAC, Monoblocks and Speakers. You will be able to source out PCs with a better architecture and get the best return on your investment. 

Also check out

For those that Care: Over the years I have been lucky enough to be invited to a few listening rooms from top Component Manufacturers.
Not one of them use Stock PCs.
I always go into this topic with some level of skepticism.  However I think that a well designed/constructed cable should yield dividends over stock cables.  The cost/benefit ratio in my mind is non-linear and is dependent on the resolving power of your system/room acoustics and the subjective nature of your hearing (as well as your insane need to eek out every ounce of sound and surrender your paycheck).  For me the Pangea PCs are a definite improvement over the stock cords (a relatively inexpensive upgrade).  Recently I tried an Audioquest Monsoon PC and was pleasantly surprised at the improvement over the Pangea PC.  The Cable Company has a lending library (I think the cost goes toward the purchase of a new one) - they also sponsor usedcable.com which might be a reasonable alternative as well.