Which of these power cords ?

I'm looking to upgrade my sound with upgraded power cords. Given I've got a tube preamp, 2 mono block tube amps, Aurender DAC and 2 Martin Logan speakers - we're talking up to 7 power cords so I'd like to keep the total cost for all of them to $1000ish. 

And some suggest going with one brand, to get the biggest benefit.

Brands on short list include:


Showing 1 response by chinook9

An audiophile for 40+ years I also worked for the power company. 

The power coming into your equipment has traveled many miles to get to you.  The last 50-100 feet of wiring in your home are probably solid 10, 12, or 14 gauge copper wire of varying quality. Can it make much, if any, difference to change the last few feet to high quality cable?

I would love to hear a technical explanation of why it could.