Which of these power cords ?

I'm looking to upgrade my sound with upgraded power cords. Given I've got a tube preamp, 2 mono block tube amps, Aurender DAC and 2 Martin Logan speakers - we're talking up to 7 power cords so I'd like to keep the total cost for all of them to $1000ish. 

And some suggest going with one brand, to get the biggest benefit.

Brands on short list include:


Showing 1 response by gormdane

I always go into this topic with some level of skepticism.  However I think that a well designed/constructed cable should yield dividends over stock cables.  The cost/benefit ratio in my mind is non-linear and is dependent on the resolving power of your system/room acoustics and the subjective nature of your hearing (as well as your insane need to eek out every ounce of sound and surrender your paycheck).  For me the Pangea PCs are a definite improvement over the stock cords (a relatively inexpensive upgrade).  Recently I tried an Audioquest Monsoon PC and was pleasantly surprised at the improvement over the Pangea PC.  The Cable Company has a lending library (I think the cost goes toward the purchase of a new one) - they also sponsor usedcable.com which might be a reasonable alternative as well.