Best integrated tube amplifier, under $3,000.00. No phono needed. Could be used, too.d

What's the best integrated tube amplifier under 3k, don't need phono.  Used is ok, too.  Thanks!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xanotherbob
Line Magnetic 805ia here and it’s awesome! Looking to roll some tubes soon.
Primaluna sounded great as well, but the Line Magnetic sounds a little warmer and more me.
I have owned the Raven Integrated Reflection MK2 tube amp.  Dave Thomson is one of the owners.  The customer service is second to none.  His tubes are rare producing awesome music and he has a price point for every individual.  You owe it to yourself to give Dave a call.  
I have the PrimaLuna Dialogue HP Premium Integrated and I think it is wonderful.   I started with the EL34 tubes and move to the KT150. You can find these PL Integrateds used for about $3k.

In this price range you have lots of options as others have pointed out.   Happy experimentation and listening.

@anotherbob You really need to specify the power output range you need.  This will affect recommendations significantly.
I would look at brands Line Magnetic, Primaluna, Rogue and the brand/model Elekit 300b.  But as others state above your room size and power requirements play a significant role in matching too.