Which transport with my Jay's Audio DAC?

Advice needed.
I currently have a Nuprime CDT 8 feeding a Jay's Audio DAC. The CDT 8 oversamples the  PCM signal incoming to the DAC, and does DSD.
I have followed the discussions of the Jay's Audio CDT2- Mk2 with interest, since it looks to be a transport superior to the Nuprime. However, it does not provide PCM oversampling or DSD; and I think that the Jay's DAC cannot oversample a signal on its own. [Can any DAC?]
The question, then, is which combination is likely to be the better: 1. The Nuprime transport and the Jay's Audio DAC or 2. The Jay's Audio transport and the Jay's Audio DAC? Does the presumed superiority of the Jay's Audio transport more than compensate for the OS-ing capacity of the Nuprime DAC? 
Or perhaps any question of preferring an OS-ing to a NOS-ing transport is simply a matter of taste, and not any sort of objective criterion for making a choice like this?
Any insights will be appreciated.

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So, celander, in your comparison you did not try the OS-capability of the Nuprime transport. Too bad.

Thanks though. 
Most of high end brands do not implement OS capability on their CD transports .in my opinion what Nuprime did is very unusual and totally wrong , I really don’t understand your fixation of the OS capability like it’s something good... well it’s not !
Good CD transport has to do only one thing to transmit the signal as pure as possible and let the DAC to do the rest .
Believe me if Jay Audio would thought that OS capability will do their transport better they certainly put this technology on their transport .The best transport is the one which keep things simple OS capability on dedicated transport is no more than sound manipulation .
Reply to itzhak1969:

Sir, you insist [ as you have done before, and before, and {sigh} before] that... 
"Most of high end brands do not implement OS capability on their CD transports. in my opinion what Nuprime did is very unusual and totally wrong. I really don’t understand your fixation of [sic: "on"] the OS capability like it’s something good... well it’s not !"

Why the vehemence? You make it sound as though I have written  many a brief on behalf of OS transports and DACs. I have not. I am genuinely agnostic on the comparative merits of OS and NOS processing.

I read the relevant literature.... And conclude that, on that comparative question, the jury is still very much out.

I think that you have me completely wrong on this choice of whether or not to buy the Jay's Audio transport.... Given my audiophile upgrade thirst, I am positively yearning [with emphasis!] for an excuse to buy the Jay's Audio transport. However, I still have on hand an unanswered question--- despite all the many useful responses to my OP--- namely, which combination is likely to be better:
1. A putatively superior NOS transport [Jay's Audio] with an OS-capable DAC, but in strictly NOS mode [Jay's Audio], or
2. A putatively inferior OS-capable transport [Nuprime] with an OS-capable DAC, in OS mode [Jay's Audio].

No one, I mean no one, who has responded to the OP, has directly addressed THAT question. [celander has come closest.]

Gentlemen... and possibIe ladies....  I do not need to be continually dunned with any more posts about the obvious superiority of NOS over OS digital processing. I do not yet have a view....

Nor is there a consensus.Please have the grace to acknowledge that.

In the OP, I raised a specific question about any likely differences--- based on experience of the components involved-- between options 1. and 2. just noted.

May I ask that respondents stick to that issue.

I WANT to buy the Jay's Audio DAC.... I have the money here in my pocket. But, I still want to know whether the shift from an OS-capable to a strictly OS-capable transport would be a mistake.

I continue to hope for enlightenment.  
OP: the Theta DAC is a 25-year old Redbook DAC. It only locks onto 44.1k and 48k signals.
Right, celander.... So maybe in conducting the comparison in question, you could have used a more apt DAC.
