Which transport with my Jay's Audio DAC?

Advice needed.
I currently have a Nuprime CDT 8 feeding a Jay's Audio DAC. The CDT 8 oversamples the  PCM signal incoming to the DAC, and does DSD.
I have followed the discussions of the Jay's Audio CDT2- Mk2 with interest, since it looks to be a transport superior to the Nuprime. However, it does not provide PCM oversampling or DSD; and I think that the Jay's DAC cannot oversample a signal on its own. [Can any DAC?]
The question, then, is which combination is likely to be the better: 1. The Nuprime transport and the Jay's Audio DAC or 2. The Jay's Audio transport and the Jay's Audio DAC? Does the presumed superiority of the Jay's Audio transport more than compensate for the OS-ing capacity of the Nuprime DAC? 
Or perhaps any question of preferring an OS-ing to a NOS-ing transport is simply a matter of taste, and not any sort of objective criterion for making a choice like this?
Any insights will be appreciated.

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Showing 16 responses by itzhak1969

 "no such thing. I simply leave it an open question.
Perhaps you should too.
Many people regard it highly. Not all of the them have any financial stake in the matter.  "

There is no even one single high end pure cd transport that using OS method the very few that do  are cheap entry level transports and that fact saying all.
If you insist  trying to match entry level transport as the Nuprime with high end Jay dac and hope to achieve good sound by doing that I wish you all the luck  ... well it's your money and you can spend it as you wish.
It’s really hard to answer your questions because what seems good theoretically can be sound awfull on your system. The best advice I can give is to make demo and listen what is best for your ears.
OS doesn’t meant that it improve the sound .bits are bits what’s matter is the original sampling the music was recorded if in the first place the studio made poor low resolution recording no oversampling DAC/transport in the world will made things better. If I were you I would certainly prefer Jay DAC and Jay transport over Jay DAC and Nuprime transport.
I am a bit suspicious about the Nuprime CDT approach to oversamples the PCM signal incoming to the DAC and I am not sure if it’s not harm the sound, I prefer the native approach of the Jay Audio CDT2 to transfer the signal as is and let your DAC to do its job without any artificial manipulation of the Nuprime transport.
The Nuprime OS capability doesn’t make it better than the non OS Jay transport.
The Nuprime is an entry level transport while Jay transport is high end gear without hearing none of them I can certainly guess which is better , well I think you can too...
Most of high end brands do not implement OS capability on their CD transports .in my opinion what Nuprime did is very unusual and totally wrong , I really don’t understand your fixation of the OS capability like it’s something good... well it’s not !
Good CD transport has to do only one thing to transmit the signal as pure as possible and let the DAC to do the rest .
Believe me if Jay Audio would thought that OS capability will do their transport better they certainly put this technology on their transport .The best transport is the one which keep things simple OS capability on dedicated transport is no more than sound manipulation .
which combination is likely to be better:
1. A putatively superior NOS transport [Jay’s Audio] with an OS-capable DAC, but in strictly NOS mode [Jay’s Audio], or
2. A putatively inferior OS-capable transport [Nuprime] with an OS-capable DAC, in OS mode [Jay’s Audio].

The answer to this question is simple option 
is the right way to go.
CD transport should be restricly NOS with very low jitter and let the DAC do its work whether you choose to operate the DAC on OS or NOS mode is your choice .

"The OS-capable DACs I am acquainted with and discussing here, the Jay’s Audio DAC and the Denafrips Pontus, will not perform an OS conversion of an incoming digital signal sent from a transport unless that transport sends an OS signal. It’s that simple"

You are really don’t understand what I am trying to explain you CD transport shouldn’t be OS this is the DAC duty so if you insist to do OS you should buy for example the Jay transport and since the Jay DAC is no OS find another good DAC with OS capability.
Everybody here trying to explain you that Jay combination of transport and DAC is very good option despite it doesn’t do OS and OS capability is not necessary improving the sound (and IMO it might degrade it ! ) and that the Nuprime is not a very good transport (its OS capability doesn’t make it good gear!) but your wrong assumption that OS is a must to achieve good sound making you not listen to what people trying to explain to you here so really there is no point to continue explain to you what you should do or not do.

OS process making improvements is a myth .it don’t. Only if a professional studio taking a low resolution recording and remaster the original recording in a complicated and expensive process this can be a real improvement OS if the studio stuff do it right.
George you correct dCS Rossini has OS transport with clock ,Player costs $28,499, the Clock $7499 but they are rare.
In my opinion better to use NOS transport and if you really want OS buy quality DAC with OS and NOS switch option and have the flexibility to choose what is the best for you .OS is very complicated process entry level transports implement low quality chipsets and they can not do OS correctly.OS is not a magical solution to improving sound.
Many in the thread below found the NOS sounds better :


Another interesting essay how OS might harm the sound :

For example the Chord 2qute DAC.

Bellow interesting thread that OS just made things worst and why :

"However, the fact that the sample value is only an approximation based on resolution creates problems. Conversion to a higher bit rate, although strictly able to hold all the frequencies (per the above), is compromised because the sampled wave isn’t perfect. Digitisation errors will occur."


My best advice is to buy the Jay transport to your Jay dac substantial improved sound is guarantee.
experienced listener here is telling  you to go for the Jay transport & DAC combination...
"To be honest, I cannot hear a bit of difference. "

You said it by yourself !
As celander told you OS Seems like marketing hype absent such compelling reason .no more no less . Only If the original recording was recorded as hi-res or professional studio remastered the original recording to hi-res one
you will hear difference any other OS process is just marketing illusions. It’s remind me in the past everybody bought graphic equaliser because we thought it essential to the system just to figure out that it was nuncess almost nobody is buying GEQ today.
If you buy the Jay transport you will hear real improvement despite it’s NOS .If you will stick to the OS method it will lead you anywhere.

You really don't get it... Jay transport is high end transport that can really make substantial improvement Nuprime is entry level transport that is not at the same level as your transport it's like you are trying to move Cadillac car with Subaru engine don't you get it ???
Instead of trying to match the suitable transport to your dac you are messing with nuncess like OS vs. NOS transport.
This is is my last reply to you everybody here trying to help you but you keep repeating the same  nuncess about OS transport theory like it is a must for improvement sound ,if it was so
why Jay Audio didn't make OS transport ?
The simple answer is because they don't believe in it !
"I came away with the same conclusion and suspect it’s high jitter output as the basis for that conclusion. The Jay’s Audio CDT2 MK2 is extraordinary in its presentation of Redbook audio discs. Not surprisingly, it has very low jitter."


You are absolutely correct entry level transports usually have high jitter this is why most of them are terrible.my Simaudio 260T is much better than my previous Cambridge CXC transport the sound is more musical, effortless , detailed and 'analog' most likely because the 260T has very low jitter.