Integrated recommendation with Vandersteen 2C

System is in second bedroom. Perhaps no ideal for 2C’s, but it is what it is. They are approx 12-16” from back wall and 7ft apart. I sit 7ft away. Room is 11x14ish. Budget is $1,000 or less. Maybe up to $1,200 if there is a significant jump in performance. Music I listen to is electronic, rock and pop. Some classical, but not a lot. I’ve been thinking maybe a Creek Destiny? Or perhaps, Krell S300i? Not KAV-300i. Just recently sold it, along with the matching 250cd player. KAV-300i way too bassy. Need something open and detailed with low bass detail, but balanced. Read the Creek Destiny review on Stereophile and it favors very well in being neutral, clean and very transparent. Speaker cable is Mogami 3082. Also have AQ CV-4 if needed in the end. Interconnects are mogami as well.  
back on the merry go round again.......

glad another member notices that this has been mentioned by you before.....
ayre always a good match w Vandersteen
and I have heard in great detail for many many hours your speakers in similar size room w Odyssey Kahtargo, very very nice....