Suggestions for Amp & Preamp or Integrated for my speakers

I have:
Vandersteen 2Ce Signature ii speakers;
a 1980s Yamaha PF 800 turntable; My room is 17 x 13 x 7;
$2000 to spend.
I am thinking about buying an Amp and Preamp. However for $2000 I might just get a good integrated amp. I’m still deciding on a separate DAC or not. That’s for another day.

So here is what I am looking for, suggestions for an Amp & Preamp combination or Integrated Amp, depending on what you like and think is best components for $2000 with my speakers.

I’m interested in opinions.
For analog/turntable use, Stereophile have an excellent review/measurements for the Outlaw RR1260. So, you could just get an external DAC for your digital sources, the Cambridge Audio DacMagic 100 is good for the price.
The Parasound integrated is a great value and it offers mm and mc phono as well as a dac well worth checking. Use you would be under your budget.
At $2K max budget, your better off with an integrated amp. Don't know any separate preamp / amp combo new that I would want to own.

Vandersteen's are somewhat power hungry.  I would suggest new a Hegel H90 integrated amp.  60WPC may not seem like a lot, but it has a large power supply w/ great current delivery and bass control. The internal DAC (and streamer) is far better than you usually get at $2K.  

It's gonna sound a lot better than any parrotsound integrated.

It doesn't have a built in phono preamp : but you can get a decent stanalone one for $200.  The Parasoud Zphono is not bad - but I would probably favor the Project Phono Box S.  
Thanks for the input.  I like that every response is different. 

I haven't looked at Outlaw.  I will have to check them out.  I'll have to look for a place to audition it.  I have looked at the Audio DacMagic.

Johnto, I'm familiar with the parasound integrated and have read good things.  I'll have to look for a local distributor to give it a listen.  I like that it comes with the DAC and phono. 

I have read a lot about Hegel and Belles.  Both have some diehard fans, especially for the Belles.  twoleftears is afan.  Jarcher thanks for adding the phono preamp consideration.

After I typed $2000 for both an amp and preamp I realized that might not be enough for two decent components.  I think Rotel sells an amp and preamp for $999 apiece.  Absolute Sound likes the Rotels, and I have two distributors by me, and listened to them, but I don't know how to compare them to other audio co. components.

Truthfully, I might edge up to $2500.  Still i think an integrated is the way to go. 

I'm rewiring the basement after discovering minor code violations when I gutted drywall due to moderate flooding.  Can anyone point me basic articles for 2 channel wiring considerations?  I might as well go the extra yard since it's gutted.