Absolute Sound - do we really need another review like this?

I own the OPPPO 105 player purchased 3 years ago and still very satisfied with it.
There are TONS and TONS of glowing reviews of this unit and apparently oppo is working on a replacement model.

In this current February 2017 issue of Absolute Sound, there is yet another review (a brief one) on this unit.

Kind of long in the tooth and totally futile. Sounds like the following Scenario:

oppo: hi stereophile, look, we are still a few months away from putting out the 105 replacement, could you run something just so that we can keep the flame alive before the new model come out?

 Sorry but that went trough my head reading this review of the still-stellar and reviewed to death Oppo 105.

Cheers all !

Remember back when Stereophile was a small paperback book? And the writers had integrity, and if they thought you could do better they would say so! That has no bearing on the OPPO, but I just don't enjoy reading the major stereo publications anymore. Perhaps one of their contributors failed to write anything this month, so he grabbed his OPPO review that never got published 3 years ago and submitted it? They just don't seem to publish the quality they used to, or perhaps the industry has leveled out to where there are few differences anymore? Your review of a 3 year old machine that already has dozens of reviews is what I'm talking about, can't they do better? I'm sure they will defend their publications as the best that can be made, perhaps they should go back and read a few of those magazines from 30 years ago? 

Stereophile didn't do this review, The Absolute Sound did it in the last issue.
I understand my beef is with Absolute Sound today, yet I still prefer it to Stereophile, but not by much. I mean, how many 10 pages-long "Magico" reviews and endorsements can you handle ?

As far as What HiFi is concerned, they are of course very UK-centric and are really nit-picking ''imported'' gear and I was told they don't even let the gear break-in before making final judgements.

They are the king of the small brick-like integrated as their ''high-end'' (some of those bricks are marvelous by the way) reviewed units, as well as the under 2K speakers champion that they make sound like 10k units.