Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

You know, sometimes I think that Bo1972 is AudioGon's version of Fabio......

Did I just say that ?    ah, work with me on this.
Well we now know, it is in fact - fact, as evidenced on this thread;  that Bo is bigger in importance than the music room itself .... 

@ Bo1972 - I have a business suggestion  

forget Tru-fi ....  Its boring sounding, and breaks no new ground.

I have a better business name and slogan for you and your services.

"Fabio Audio ... by Bobbio"

"When we get finished with your room, no matter what gear you own, it will end up in a line-io"


fun thread 

sorry to the Op for digressing. 

When Tru-Fi comes birds will fall from the sky and all will rejoice in the sonic bliss that was given by Bo. Thank you for starting this foundation to give people a better life.. you are a great man. 
My opinion isn't more valuable than anyone else, but I have owned both Wilson Audio(WA) and currently have Monitor Audio(MA) PL500 speakers. Although with different components, I've been able to compare WA Sophia 2's, 3's, and Sashas to MA PL500's in the same room, which to me is one of the more important factors that impacts the overall sound. I think BO and so many of you do a disservice to potential buyers of either speaker. In the final analysis let your own ears decide, but don't destroy the other product because you have a different preference.

I am sure you are right that AMT can be built to avoid compression however doesn’t this result in a transducer that is too large a diaphragm for the frequencies they transmit?

In short: Eliminate the compression means you begin to have directivity problems.

Rule of thumb is that the diaphragm should be no bigger than 1/2 the wavelength or you start getting beaming at that frequency and for even higher frequencies (shorter wavelengths) you get off axis lobing.

Lobong creates a spurious 3D effect where certain sounds come from the ceiling and some from the side walls depending on the frequency. An overly tall tweeter will have serious lobing in higher frequencies in the vertical axis but less so horizontally - it is the weird vertical response that gives spurious 3D effects while listening to music with a variety of frequencies - nothing to do with the source and everything to do with bad design and poor implementation.

Technical details explaining why you get spurious 3D effects with this design:

Please refer to the article and charts at this link


The AMT folded ribbon driver in the PL 200 is 3 inches tall. At 6000 Hz it has a KA of 5 in the vertical and at 12000 Hz it has a KA of 10. These frequencies are within the important musical range. You can see on the polar plots how serious of a problem these speakers have in the vertical axis.