Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


Showing 5 responses by ct0517

Eric (Bdp24)
Fabio does not need room treatment. His hair provides for diffusion and dampening, 
is this your web page and is this your system setup?



to Crazyeddy’s thread subject.

Personally. I have known two Wilson speaker owners over the years, of which I actually heard their systems. This was a long time ago. Both were using their shared living rooms and were married. The first guy had speakers on castors and was anal about room positioning. He would roll them out to the tape markings on the floor when listening and push them back to the front wall when not in use. The second fellow, he had them arranged along the front wall, very similar to the system shown in Bo1972’s url link above. Both could be described as audiophiles and music lovers. Different expectations.

You know, sometimes I think that Bo1972 is AudioGon's version of Fabio......

Did I just say that ?    ah, work with me on this.
Well we now know, it is in fact - fact, as evidenced on this thread;  that Bo is bigger in importance than the music room itself .... 

@ Bo1972 - I have a business suggestion  

forget Tru-fi ....  Its boring sounding, and breaks no new ground.

I have a better business name and slogan for you and your services.

"Fabio Audio ... by Bobbio"

"When we get finished with your room, no matter what gear you own, it will end up in a line-io"


fun thread 

sorry to the Op for digressing. 


your speakers appear to be about 4 feet from the front wall. 
how deep does the drummer play on most recordings with no digital processing - just a 2 channel amp ?

also have you heard them butted close up against the front wall ?
what is the drummer depth this way also?  

Many Full Range capable speakers are set up in rooms that do not support 20 hz. Meaning...... they can’t hit the notes or the notes are way too low in DB for the room. This could be for a number of reasons; the room space itself, and/or the constraints in how the owner is allowed to place the speakers in the room; the amp, etc...

The speaker manufacturers know this. It’s a very old story. They have a choice to make. They can EQ their main full range model, with woofers to handle EQ; or they can leave well enough alone, and bring out a new speaker - the subwoofer - to add to the bottom line both financially, and music wise. The subwoofers provide the additional benefits of allowing optional placements to fit bass into the room better with the main speakers.

.... unless you’re Bo1972, whose business model we have seen, is to place the subwoofer beside the main full range speaker butted up against the wall. Then EQ the hell out of it. And hey ...why not.... For the average person whose gear - no matter what gear - needs to placed along the front wall, this business model works out.

But put that same person in a room where the speakers are placed, and amp’ed as designed; and that person, depending on how audio crazed he/she is after hearing; will be looking for a new place and/or spouse.
How far do you want audiophilia nervosa to take you?

If you want to see how well your rig does without having to listen to test tones. Send this Phill Collins "In the Air Tonight", Bass TEST, through your DAC on your rig.

Click on the link.
