Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


Showing 15 responses by ricred1

The other thing is we aren't listening to an individual component. We are listening to a system, which includes the room.
No absolutes in Audio, only preferences. That being said, I’ve owned Wilson Audio Sophia 2’s, 3s, and Sashas. The 2’s developed a very long crack and were replaced with Wilson with Sophia 3s for a nominal cost. I submit Wilson has outstanding customer service, but they have a well documented problem with their paint finish. I currently own Monitor Audio PL500 IIs. The finish on the PL500 IIs is equivalent to any Wilson that I’ve ever owned. To my ears the sound of the PL500 IIs are on an entirely different level. I don’t hate Wilson’s, but I do think they are over rated...just my opinion!

I've seen the same statement several times, "Funny  that most  people that denigrate the Wilson speakers have never heard them - probably reacting to a company making speakers they can't afford?" I've owned several Wilson speakers. In hindsight "I owned" them more for their name and wanting to belong to a group of Wilson Owners than their sound. I argued that Wilson's were the best and defended my choice. I will say, Wilson's are some of the most dynamic speakers that I've owned, but I would take my current speakers over any Wilson that I've heard or owned. As I have become more in tuned to the sound I prefer, I have moved further away from the Wilson sound. I don't worry about the company name, I just think about how it sounds to my ears. So, there are some people that have owned Wilson's and can afford them; however they just don't prefer them. No absolutes in Audio, just preferences!
The funny thing is many people on Audiogon are like bo, "opinionated ". No everyone doesn't write like bo or talk about 2d vs 3d, but many, many people are just as passionate about their preferences.
My opinion isn't more valuable than anyone else, but I have owned both Wilson Audio(WA) and currently have Monitor Audio(MA) PL500 speakers. Although with different components, I've been able to compare WA Sophia 2's, 3's, and Sashas to MA PL500's in the same room, which to me is one of the more important factors that impacts the overall sound. I think BO and so many of you do a disservice to potential buyers of either speaker. In the final analysis let your own ears decide, but don't destroy the other product because you have a different preference.

Let's say everything you suggest is true about AMT folded ribbon drivers. I still prefer the MA PL500's over any Wilson speaker I've ever owned or heard. I've learned after making a generalization about Class "D" amplifiers that unless I've heard every component out there, it's hard and/or impossible to say how it sounds based on specifications or design.

I'm not a client of bo1972's, but I'm very satisfied with my Monitor Audio PL500's. I think bo1972 goes about it the wrong way and talks about audio as absolutes as opposed to opinions/preferences. I've been in this hobby/obsession for 30 years. I don't know everything, but I think the room has a large impact on what speaker works best for your particular preferences.
Although not "speakers", I recently traded subwoofers with my friend. I had a SVS SB16 Ultra and he had a JL Audio F110 v2. My room is larger than his and has acoustical treatment; however his room is completely open. In my room, no matter what I did the SB16 wasn't musical and had too much output. In his room , no matter what he did he felt the F110 v2 lacked output. Now both of us are happy! Different rooms, different results. I might add, different preferences. He prefers exaggerated bass, I prefer very tight musical bass. 

My speakers are 5 ft from the front wall. 
As far as how deep the drummer appears when setup properly or close to the wall? I'm not Bo and really not interested in a conversation about that. They sound good to me and I enjoy listening to music more than ever before...that's more important to me.

My only point is you attack MA, because of your disagreement with Bo. Despite the fact that I love my speakers, I repeatedly say there are no absolutes in Audio. As a matter of fact I didn't like MA Platinum Series I. I think it's more productive to describe the differences between speakers using several recordings. I've had several speakers in my room during the past few years. The best way to discern differences is through listening, not based on design. It was relatively easy to hear the differences between the Aerials and Revel speakers I had. 
Bo isn’t the only one that’s arrogant on Audiogon. The epitome of arrogance is when someone makes statements about how somethings sounds, yet they’ve never heard it and many people on Audiogon do it all the time. Again, I don’t agree with Bo and how he approaches audio. Despite what Bo thinks, I can name several speakers that I would take over my PL500’s.
I use my sub in my HT system.  I prefer 2-channel without a sub, but occasionally listen with the sub  That being said, you should search for Dave Wilson's comments regarding why he uses subs with the  $200K XLF speakers. I guess it makes you feel better to say something bad about my speakers. As a matter of fact, educate yourself on why many people use subs with their speakers.

What speakers do you have and what are the dimensions of your room?
I submit even when members who previously owned Wilson's post negative comments, current Wilson owners are offended. "Prospective Buyers" should use their "own ears" no matter what speakers their purchasing. It really doesn't make a difference if I love them or dislike them!
I've read jon5912's comments and they don't tell me anything about his financial status. Why can't individuals have an opinion about components without "some" of us resorting to personal attacks. When I had Sasha 1's my friend said, "they looked liked garbage cans" and he hated them. He could afford them, he just had different taste and it didn't bother me.