Anyone Tried the

Greetings, Blessed Easter to all,

Anyone used the Adona spikes? What alternatives are there? I'm going to be getting some pretty nice speakers and I want serious spikes/feet for them.

I understand brass might not be the ultimate for my needs; any aluminum, etc. materials to suggest?

Brands to recommend?

If you are setting the speakers onto a flat surface you might want to consider Herbie's Audio Lab Big Fat Black Dots. They run about $50 for 6 pieces. These worked better for me than brass cones.

Herbie's Audio Lab
As nice as the Chapman T-7's are, there is a step up I'm pursuing...Chapman T-77's!
These are going to be the pinnacle of Stuart Jones' speaker making prowess. He has been working on a custom pair for me for about four months. We've made some changes to the standard T-77. I will post full report/review when they're installed in the HT.
I will end up with Chapmans in three systems I'm running. I guess I like them, eh?

I need subtantial spikes for the new T-77's. I'm going into well padded carpeting, so the dots seem out of the question.