Your single favorite component

Of all the pieces of your system you now own or have owned in the past, is there any one piece you could say is your absolute favorite piece of equipment? 

I don't know if I have an answer to my own question - I enjoy various pieces of equipment for different reasons. A turntable I've owned for 18 years, a 40 year old tuner, an amp I built myself, all in some way are pretty special to me. And so on! 
Just like the OP, I don't believe I can name a single favorite component. I have had a few favorites over the last few decades.

I would say my favorite CURRENT component is my VAC 160i SE integrated amplifier.
Garrard 301 turntable with Ortofon 309 D tonearm and EMT JSD S75 cartridge. The EMT cartridge is simply spectacularly good.
I greatly appreciate all of my current components. The OP specifically says to name one. Coincident Frankenstein MK II SET amplifier,  getting it was a transformative experience for me. 
Never owned them but Dunlavy SC IV-A speakers are the best I've heard. Second:  BEL 1001 Mk V mono-block amps.
My Deja Vu Audio amp, pushpull EL-34's it's totally bulletproof and sounds fantastic. Plus it was made by a great company that's local to me and still going strong.
My Maggie 3.6 speakers. The sound of your system is mostly determined by the speakers and I love my Maggies