**Your Recommendations**Pathos "Inpol Remix Mk.II"**25wpc.@8 Ohms**

I’m curious,what stand mounted monitors would you recommend for this specific amplifier with 25wpc.@ 8 ohms..
Would be used in a smallish,mildly treated room,apx.12’x14’x8’ with a widely varied assortment of music from Mozart to Bob Marley at low to medium listening levels with an occasional foray into rock out mode..
Listener values an organic,naturally warm tone & great to excellent imaging & staging...
Budget to $10,000.00...Thanks for your participation,it is appreciated..


@russ69 ,could you expound on your recommendation?It would be appreciated...
@knock1 ,the updated Sonetto IIG2 looks to be a MASSIVE bargain at it's asking price & has similar specs to your III's..Could you provide a Pro's & Con's to the sound with your amp?I appreciate it...

I have the same amp. Started with Sonus Faber Venere and was pleased with them, recently upgraded to SF Sonetto III - what an expansive stage and detail not to mention the SF sweet midrange for vocals.