Op, these speakers are not ideal for your type of music, but for anyone who looks for a small (but otherwise 'big') speakers, these are great.
Franco Serblin's Lignea (founder of Sonus Faber)
https://youtu.be/7WDHYj6DOZ8 (music starts at 5.30min)
On these linka you can 'hear' and see them, but you dont need D'Agostino amp to run them, since theit impemdance do not fall under 7.9ohm.
I run them with the 30w single ended amp.;They are capable of producing magic (jazz is my thing)
Franco Serblin's Lignea (founder of Sonus Faber)
https://youtu.be/7WDHYj6DOZ8 (music starts at 5.30min)
On these linka you can 'hear' and see them, but you dont need D'Agostino amp to run them, since theit impemdance do not fall under 7.9ohm.
I run them with the 30w single ended amp.;They are capable of producing magic (jazz is my thing)