You know you have audiophile system when...

The definition of an audiophile systems is truly unknown, but recently after dabbling with tube rolling, power cables, and interconnects my system achieved a level where its clarity was no longer what grabbed my attention. Instead, I was distinctly hearing the bloom and decay of every note in the music. It’s just a different level that I believe has me listening to music differently.  It translates into greater dynamics and voices and instruments having more distinct vibrato characteristics.


...when you play your favorite recordings and have difficulty pinpointing that which can be improved...

You know you have an audiophile system if you have heard your friends say....

Why do you need all those boxes? you must play your music really loud.

Are those speakers or missle launchers? (I have Wilsons)

Why do you have black garden hose coming from the back of your speakers?

Why is there only one chair in the room?

Can you turn the AC up?  The more music you play, the warmer it gets in here.

I think I'm hearing just the "RIGHT" amount of cowbell


Cheers Gents!!

An audiophile is anyone willing to bore the crap out of anyone else (i.e. most people) who isn't particularly interested the audio gear/high end sound hobby.

I would think you need a certified panel of audiophiles to vote you in. Otherwise just crash the party. 😎

This is true....

Because when any music sound at his best....Acoustic factors dont lie...


You know you have an audiophile system when you don’t feel the need to ask if you have one. 

You know you have an audiophile system when you don’t feel the need to ask if you have one. 

-asvjerry has accepted nor provided any currency for the above 'imho', nor has no affiliation with Any audio manufacturer or audio dealer.  Maybe later...*L*-

@omega125 , that's a good 'long form' description. 👍

But, like any pursuit that can lead to extremism, there are those that indulge.

I suspect most, when at a certain point, be it age, budget,, the SAF ceiling, or just simple satiation or weariness of the 'chase'....

Stop. *L*

There are 'niche' players; I am one.

I like to listen not only to the music (#1), but to the 'system' when desired (#2).
Since I diy Walsh speakers, it's kinda a necessity to do so.

My system would make some shake their heads, and claim derangement.

I don't really care, as others are more than welcome to pursue as desired/needed.

Someone has to 'create' the odd 'used' item I may desire at some point.
One rationale to hang about here is to form my own opinion of what that may be on that lovely day. *S*
It also allows to opinionate what I may feel is frivolous, and be ignored until not.

Takes all kinds to fill these forums.
Welcome to it. ;)

Have a pleasant week, J 

YouTube's 'The Audiophile Man' describes an audiophile who sees music as the main thing...wants better music, better quality music...more information from their music....seeker of musical the guitar player played it, the drummer when he hit the drums...what he heard, what he experienced, what the band around him were going thru....the audiophile wants to part of that occasion...get closer to that time, those moments...wants to experience the art

Is an audiophile a music lover?

A music lover uses audio equipment to listen to his recordings. An audiophile uses recordings to listen to his audio equipment!

Let's take it from the system user's viewpoint:

-an audiophile is one who needs music to listen to his system;

-music-lover is someone who needs the system to listen to the music.

In this light, "sounds good is all that matters" can apply to both categories.


I guess we're all music-lovers tuning our systems to better enjoy the music

No. It has been defined lol.


An audiophile is...

: a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction.

But a lot of folks here don't care about audio fidelity, they would rather have their systems sound a certain way and play nice with bad recordings.


Sounds good is all that matters, right?