Yak, Yak, Yak......and more yak.....


You simply have to drop some cash, hear the speakers and start making up your minds. Figure out what the hell you are truly seeking for "your sound". Please get on with it.

I am trying to challenge you, and get you off your pissy block. As I have said previously, dropping cash allowed me to find my sound.

Read, research and get an idea of what kind of sound you are looking for. Most all, give up that illusive 'perfection' that audiophiles are known for.

I simply wish you the best. Now let us listen, and enjoy some tunes:)
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Froms the steeps of Mongolia comes the Yak, the next thing in speakers, with cones woven from edelweiss and wormwood and cabinets of birch and pine.
Not having crossovers they are of the widebander variety with the tendency to dominate and pillage anything that's played on them.

All the best,
- This message brought to you by Benjamin Bernanke and the Presidental Economic Advisory board :)