This amp is probably 30 years old. There is one I can grab for 2500 bucks. Good buy? Too old? What do you goners think? 
I just finished reading this thread...really sorry to hear you had to sell your new found treasure, jeffvegas.
Audiophiles are a fickle lot, so you'll get a crack at owning another one, or even a chance to buy yours back. Audiogon is like a pawnshop for audiophiles...
Hopefully 2021 will be better for everyone.
I am back at work and recovering financially. I am looking at a Mark Levinson No 335 to replace the 23.5. Can I expect the same good sound as the 23.5 with the 335? Will it sound better?
The 335 is a great amp, i feel the 3 series is better than the 4 series. Find a good power cord for it and you will be happy

The ML 33x series was plagued with faulty capacitor issues which are very expensive to service.  
This 335 has been completely refurbished with new capacitors. It is for sale at George Mayer AV. An Authorized service center for Mark Levinson.  
@jeffvegas will George Mayer AV let you demo the 335 at home? That would be the best solution even though it might cost you shipping charges.
I live in Vegas. Los Angeles is only 4 hour drive. I was going to go check it out and listen to it first before buying. I am considering the 335 or a Krell FPB 400CX, A Modwright kwa150 se ,. Of those 3 amps, which one would you buy? 
I sent my Levinson 23.5 to Pyramid Audio about 2 weeks ago because the left channel was popping and crackling, and even going out completely sometimes.  They just called yesterday to confirm the issue from their diagnosis and that it is time for the full rebuild.  Time is about 30 hours of work over the next 3 weeks, and I should see it shipped back to me in about a month.

Shipping is a pain of course due to the weight and bulk.  I invested $300 in a heavy duty Pelican hard case to pack it in with soft foam, and then an outer box around the Pelican case.  And shipping was about $200 as well, so this all in, is not a cheap investment and a lot of time packing/shipping/repairing for a 30 year old amp.
OK here is my 2 cents, bought a 23.5 used about 7 years ago on Audiogon for $2500 I would rather live on the streets before selling it, this amplifier was used for many hours every day always gave me chills. I had it in storage for 2 years due to losing my job I had to relocate to another state for employment. After 2 years in storage I set up my audio gear few weeks latter I got the pop from the left speaker comes and goes (I wonder if this is due to not using the gear for such a long time) so I took my amplifier to Technetron in NYC an authorized Levinson repair shop. All the smaller silver capacitors were replaced and some soldering was done due to age of the system. I spoke with Pyramid and Technetron about this repair before I decided where to go, I was initially going to ship to Pyramid due to their reputation but shipping would have cost me hundreds of dollars so I went local. Let me state, Pyramid and Technetron both told me the big capacitors do not need to be replaced on the 23.5 they last forever, I told them I was willing to pay for the replacement but they insisted I was waisting money, this is coming from technicians that have over 15 years experience repairing Levinson gear, I was surprise cause I would have no problems giving them the money to replace the large capacitors. I am about to go pick up my amplifier in a few hours. I was told after the repair I should get 15 more years of joy with the 23.5 before I would need another repair I was told by the technician that the older Levinson were much better than the newer ones, they were hand made. He told me due to age and heat the boards in the amplifier turned brown he told me not to leave the amplifier on when I was not using it he said some people leave the amp on 24/7, my amplifier was on all day and only turned off before bed. A new amplifier at this level would cost over $12000 I highly doubt you get better sound than the older Levinson.

My gear:
Levinson 23.5 x 2
Levinson 32
Levinson 360S
Dynaudio Confidence 5

Thanks for sharing that info.  Pyramid told me the same about not needing to replace the big capacitors.  I haven't heard an update from them yet on the repair.

My gear:
Levinson 23.5
Levinson 37 transport
Levinson 360S d/a 
Levinson 380S preamp
Energy Veritas 2.8 speakers
XLO wiring throughout 
I read your post and that made me post mine because we both have the same exact problem lol
I will add one thing for you since we have a close system as well, I had the 380S and upgraded to the 32, its a big step in price but I will never sell my 32 it is the best non tube pre amp PERIOD, if you ever replace the 380 for the 32 I promise you will hear the difference immediately its like a window was opened, I apologize if I gave you the upgrade bug, believe me I have no regret, like many others I can't afford a new system and even at $9800 it was the biggest audio purchase I ever made, no regrets. 
Thanks, I will have to take a look but honestly it isn't just about the sound with me, it is also the design aesthetic of this era of Levinson.  And I also like having two of the "S" version components in my system.
Miss my 23.5. Casuality of the pandemic. Needed to sell for money. Looks like a No 335 is on my radar now. They are not cheap but either was the 23.5 I bought.  Will this amp have the vibrant clarity and bass slam that the 23.5 has? Do they sound similar? What differences have you Levinson groupies heard between 3 series Levinson and the 23.5? I know the 3 series had cap problems but most out there have been fixed. 
Back from Technetron listening to my system now with a big fat smile on my face. They did an outstanding job, the facility is not large its NYC space, the rooms were narrow, I was worried about scratches and dents but I found nothing they were very careful. They gave me a detail receipt with all parts and labor listed. Overall I received a bag with all the old parts including Resistors, Capacitors and Transistors. It says 14 hours of labor. They adjusted regulator bias, adjusted output and DC voltage and cleaned controls I have 90 days warrenty. I will go back to Technetron for future repairs they had high end equipment over there. In my opinion this is the best way to enjoy high end equipment, buy used at a great price and find a good repair shop. The parts they used are top of the line, all capacitors 105 degree Nichicon. The only negative comment I have is they did not accept credit cards, I could have gotten 2% cash-back lol, no big deal. As stated the amplifier should be good for another 14-15 years. I purchased a second used 23.5 for a low price in mint cosmetic condition it needs repair, going to save up some money and fix the second amp. I am still planning one day on buying the 33H going to save up and find the right pair at a good price that will be my dream system been planning this for many many years.

key point is comment by @testpilot, and agree. nothing wrong with the amp, but they are known for running hot and being hard on caps. so maybe first question you need to ask is can you recap it yourself? If so then by all means jump in with both feet. If those skill sets are not yet developed then figure in the cost of getting it done at some point into your purchase price.

Hello jeffvegas, Glad to hear you're back on track.My local dealer sold Levinson during the Madrigal era, and I remember the transition from the 23.5 to the 331/332/333 and later the 334/335/336. I never owned any of the 33X series stuff, however, I listened to it plenty. Mostly on Wilson Watt/Puppys and Thiels back then. The sound of the 335 was definitely on par with the 23.5, as I recall.
 The George Meyer 335 looks like a sound deal, and a safe way to go.
I cheated!!! I bought a Krell FPB 400 CX. Sorry Mark Levinson. The deal on the Krell was too good to pass up. 

     Uh oh, sooner or later you may regret buying the Krell.  Everything you and others were stating, regarding how timelessly good Mark Levinson gear is, I believe is true. 
     My only personal  ML excellent experience is  with a ML 326S preamp but I don't think I could be more impressed or pleased with its performance in my system.  I don't recall reading such exemplary praise being bestowed upon older Krell gear but maybe there is some and I just missed it.

Best wishes,
What i didn´t understand, i have a ML23 for my JBL4425 in my controll room/studio and i love this amp, but it only gets lukewarm. Before i bought the amplifier, he was at the service at Sun-Audio / Germany.

Resurrecting this old thread….

I’m very surprised at some of the opinions on here regarding the sound of an ML23.5 compared to more “modern” amps. Please. The whole fallacy that audio technology and sound quality moves in this infinitely linear progression towards perfection over time is rubbish. There are countless vintage components that sound as good or better than their contemporary counterparts. My floor is littered with both classic vintage and modern amplifiers. The 23.5 might be the best sounding amp I own. It certainly is not demonstrably worse than ANY modern amplifier I have tried, as some would have you believe. The reconditioning is a valid concern, however I think an investment of $5000 ($2500 for the amp and $2500 recap) will get you an amp that absolutely slaughters comparable modern amplifiers in terms of value and more than holds its own with sonics. 

I always thought of the Mark levension 23.5 as amp on my wish list.

Bought a ML 23. This amp would serve a Brite system.

This amp was the biggest surprise Ive had in audio.

Not saying Bad , but in my system not good,

This amp is anything but “sterile and lifeless”. In the current rotation of amps I’m using to power my Apogees, it is the most dynamic and involving. It just sounds right to me. Of course, that is for my taste. I have a friend who prefers my Jeff Rowland by a slight bit. However, he comes from a system that has Magneplanars powered by Prima Luna mono blocks. To me, the Rowland is pleasant, but doesn’t quite have the impact of the 23.5.