Will Sasha II work in a 11.5 x 26 ft room

My listening room is 11.6 x26 ft. Speakers are presently on short wall approximately 4ft into the room. I have seen some Wilson’s at an attractive price now that the next model has come out. My question is do you think they will over power the room or not. Room is suspended floor over crawl space and hard wood. Walls typical blue board and plaster. Never had a problem with bloated or excessive bass etc but would like to get any Wilson owners that are out there and their opinions.
I had a room longer than yours by 15 ft with 16 ft ceilings and my Wilson Audio Duette 2's filled the room without any problems.  
I had close to the same room dimensions and the Sashas worked extremely well there.

From the listening position, the speakers are toed in, front of speaker is 24", back of speaker is 14.5" to the closest distance to the side wall. The farthest distance to the front of the speaker is 35" from the side wall (inside front of speaker).
Using the 35" as point of reference for these measurements:
From front wall - 8’
From listening position - 108"
Tweeter to Tweeter - 104"
Yes, Sasha’s would be great! And another vote for room treatment. Can make all the difference regardless of speaker. It doesn’t need to be complicated or expensive. These days, you can get really creative with aesthetics as well. Make it look really cool.
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Yes: Room treatment is a possibility but never felt like the room was a problem, oriental on the floor and obviously furnishings. Golfnutz how far out are you thinking and how close are you sitting.  I am currently set up at about 8Ft between and about 10 back which could be adjusted somewhat for the sasha.
A room like that might work better with the speakers centered on the long wall. While he was marketing Cello speakers, Mark Levinson discovered that he could get excellent sound at shows where he was stuck with a long skinny room by playing the room sideways and using lots of broad band absorbers on the walls behind the speakers and behind the listener. That catches all the early reflections while leaving some room ambience that is delayed long enough to minimize tone and imaging interference. 
Sasha's will work in that room, and I also suggest room treatment because you'll enjoy your system much better, especially if you like to listen a bit loud. Don't be afraid to add panels to the ceiling between the speakers and sitting area as well. Regardless of which speakers you're going to end up with (assuming you're putting out the kind of money on Sasha's), room treatment will only help in the end. My room is just over 13' wide and I'm using Sasha's. You might want to experiment bringing the speakers out more than 4' from the front wall (assuming you purchase them).