Wifi vs ethernet revisited

For this discussion I want us to forget the usual problems of wifi: stuttering, buffering, loss of signal strength. Let’s assume we have a strong, reliable wireless connection. Questions: how would you rank the following:

1. [No wireless, my current config] Ethernet from router -> Switch (or OM) -> fiber -> Etherregen -> ethernet -> streamer.

2. Eero wireless mesh -> receiver -> ethernet -> streamer.

3. Eero Wireless mesh -> receiver -> ethernet -> Etherregen -> ethernet -> streamer.

Or, to really go hybrid and (probably nuts):

4. Eero wireless mesh -> receiver -> ethernet -> Switch (or OM) -> fiber -> Etherregen -> ethernet -> streamer.

I haven’t done [4] yet. But to my ears, [1] definitely beats {2] and (less emphatically maybe) beats [3] even though I have a very strong Eero wireless mesh system. Maybe my assumptions to begin with are still wrong? I can’t seem to read a good forum thread where the usual stuttering’/buffering problems (that we all know about) are removed. Thanks in advance everyone!



On the wifi thing, neglected to mention rfi issue on receiving end. You have receiver and antenna creating noise and the wifi converter itself clearly inferior to a quality hard wire receiver/converter such as my JCAT NetCard XE. If streamer is receiving component can't image a worse place for high levels of RFI, and again you have the issue of contaminating other components in close proximity to the receiving component. 


One shouldn't minimize EMI/RFI interference effects on our audio systems. We have amazingly high levels of this riding throughout our environment, this why shielding of components is not taken lightly by many manufacturers. I have a quality tri axis EMF meter, get within a few feet of a wifi hotspot and you'll see massive amounts of RFI, the other area where I see higher levels on audio components is transformers, I see mu metal shielding around transformers in some of my components, they take it seriously. Hard drives in NAS or internal drives in streamers another one.

I'm a Network Architect/Engineer by profession, The only thing I have hooked up to Ethernet in my home are the 2 Mesh routers I use for connecting my Mesh Satilites. There is no sonic difference streaming vs cable.  You could argue there is less noise over WiFi. My Mesh system is WiFi 7. I'm able to stream 8K content to my 8K TV with no buffering,  and if it can do that, the minimum bandwidth to stream Hi-Rez audio is not even a consideration. 

Enjoy the Music

What is Ethernet, and how can I get it? I’ve never had it, and have no idea how to create Ethernet connections in my home. It’s a serious question. Thank you. 

@coltrane1 You must be time traveler, go back to your own time and forget about the whole thing they call digital, analog world much more understandable.

Hello OP and friends,  So interesting all the different ways to improve digital!  Good discussion.  I have gone to much effort to improve my digital front end.  Many have contributed ideas I have used:

Verizon Fios > Verizon Modem (with wifi disabled) Powered by Sean Jacobs LPS.

From this I run all ethernet feeds to non audio as well as Eero Pro 6 Mesh wifi (three units wired around house).  I also run short ethernet into JCAT M12 Gold Switch (also powered by Sean Jacobs LPS) this will feed only my two audio systems >

Short run into GTT DeJitterit Switch and Clean Modem.  So I have stacked two nice switches in line and found it further improves sound.  The DeJitterit Switch / Clean Modem creates  a separate 'CLEAN NETWORK' that only serves my audio systems.  From this 'Clean Side' I run a quality ethernet cable feed to each of my 2 streamers. I use no wall plate couplers, instead using JCAT ethernet couplers if needed.  I run my long cables through the wall plate to reduce couplings.

The GTT DeJitterit also comes with a 'Clean Wifi' Router, designed to be quiet and use minimal bandwidth, purely for Remote Roon or Streamer Access.

So I have eliminated all the other internet traffic from entering my clean music side of things. And thee is significant internet traffic on most of our homes!

Each and all of these things have enhanced my digital sound.  I have also demo'd the NA Tempus switch, and that is also nice.  But I owned the JCAT switch, which is very comparable, and then chose the GTT Dejitterit switch / clean modem as the best sound.

Also agree strongly with keeping all computer / wall warts etc away from audio and on different circuits.

Take care!