Wide baffle speakers are better than narrow

I'm just putting out some facts here so no one gets further misguided.

Wide baffle speakers sound much better, more natural and bring the acoustics of the recording venue with them.

Narrow baffle speakers are not as good without significant room treatment.

I'm glad no one here disagrees.
...and I'm still baffled by the basics of baffles....wide bafs, narrow bafs, bafs on my belfry, bafs 'bout the back barn backyard...
nothing new, this is very famous issue 
 The choosing right crossover point 500-700  hz the speakers designers 
easily bypass this problem and can make good result with  9-10 " wide

If it were only a matter of baffle shape and size it would be so simple.
Loudspeaker building and design are a black art that takes years to
master and even the best do lifelong modifications and calculations.
This hobby of ours is a lot of fun and costs an awful lot of time and money, but even with all of the aggravations and failures and phantom solutions it is still a lot fun and fairly safe.  Some of us hunt, some of us golf, some of us have outrageously expensive boats and cars but in the end it’s we boys and our toys so enjoy. There are quite a few ladies that are audiophiles and just plain music lovers and in my experience they seem not to get so obsessed as we do and I think  it’s just a gender difference.

So you're saying that the crossover doesn't matter?  That the crossover can't be tweaked to make a speaker sound good regardless of the baffle width?  

Is that what you're REALLY saying?  
So you’re saying that the crossover doesn’t matter?

Never said anything like that, and I’m more than a little surprised you could see such a statement in my original post.

That the crossover can’t be tweaked to make a speaker sound good regardless of the baffle width?

Your second sentence is very different from your first sentence, and still nothing like what I posted. I never said narrow baffle speakers were bad.

I’m saying that wide baffle speakers sound better and tend to behave more independently of the room they are put in
when it comes to clarity at the listening location, and perception of detail and recording acoustics. The crossover has limitations, and baffle step compensation, as well as compensating for the in room response in the crossover (i.e. equalization) can only take you so far.