Which Preamp with JC5? Rogue Audio RP-9 or Parasound JC2

I’m deciding which preamp to use with a Parasound JC5 Amp: JC2 or RP-9?

I’m looking for a spacious, 3D, holographic presentation. I like to fuse the euphonic tube characteristics with the extended frequency response, detail, and dynamics of solid state. I’ve decided on a JC5 Amp, but I’m wondering which preamp will excel in these characteristics, the JC2 or RP-9?

I had a demo Pass XP-22 and X250.8 in my listening room for 2 weeks. It sounded stellar, everything you could want in the sonic department, but the XP-22 required the volume to be turned up 75% to achieve moderate listening levels, which introduces slight noise. The X250.8 developed wobbly XLR connectors after the third IC hook up. I was told that connectors can wobble to break up cable stress - hogwash for a $14k system! I returned the Pass system at a $700 loss. Horrible experience with QC.

I’m ready to try again, this time with a Parasound JC5 and a new preamp. I’ve heard they have no QC issues with the JC5 or JC1+. 

I do have other tube equipment to compare and test the JC5. A Don Sachs 6SN7-based Custom Linestage, Kootenay 120 KT88 Amp, and the Manley Chinook phono stage provide tube galore.



Soix, I love the Don Sach Model 2 Preamp. It’s part of an all-tube analog system for LPs. I also feed it CDs and it sounds superb. I’m just looking for another system in a different room to replace my Odyssey Dual Mono Statos and Tempest Preamp. I thought a tube preamp mated to a solid state JC5 might be nice. Since I’ve made 4 pairs of high-end speakers, I love swapping speakers, components and cables.

Mulveling, at $14k, the AR Ref 6 is a little more than I’d like to spend. However, I wouldn’t rule it out for the future.

Thanks everyone!

@gakerty i think it’s another thread and OP that didn’t like the Rogue Stereo 100. I got a bit confused myself. And I agree everything I’ve heard from others and experienced myself indicates that the ST100 should be a stellar amp choice for many.

Regarding the Rogue Stereo 100, it is far from dark. I’ve had one for a few years powering Legacy Signature SE (before that Tannoy X8TF), and it is dynamic, transparent, extended and accurate in the treble, and accurate and tight basswise (for a tube amp.) Avanti1960 issues with the ST100 was likely system specific. I abhor "dark" amps and I’ve never heard anyone describe the ST100 as dark. On the RP7, I’ve recently sent mine in for an upgrade to an RP9, so we’ll see how she goes.


Thanks again for your thoughts regarding coupling caps! Definitely got me thinking again on the modern Rogue gear.

This may not be helpful due to the cost involved, but since you mentioned this your opening post:

I like to fuse the euphonic tube characteristics with the extended frequency response, detail, and dynamics of solid state.

The Audio Research Reference 6 is the line stage which comes by far closest to this sonic ideal, imo and experience. The older top Rogue 6H30 preamps Athena & Hera also succeed at this, to a lesser degree. 

So, I gotta ask — what are you looking to improve upon over the Sachs pre?  I’d think that’d deliver everything you’re looking for. 

Mulveling, your view of the EVO Oils mirrors my experience. Mundorf's Supreme line is the best, only excelled by Duelund Cu or Jupiter Cu. I have the Jupiter Cu in a Don Sachs Model 2 Preamp, and it sounds stellar with  Kootenay 120 KT88 amp.

Xcool, Please share your experience with the Cary SLP-05 and JC5. I'd love to know how it works out. As far as IC and spkr cables go, I make my own using the Duelund DCA-20 and DCA-12 Oil impregnated wire from PartsConnexion.com  -- warmth, detail, extended, spacious. I'll look into the Kimber Kable Select KS-1116 for the XLR IC. Great experiences!

Hey @88man, I own the JC2 BP and JC5, and have absolutely no complain on the sound.  Very neutral and musical, and tiny touch of warmth.   It's dead quiet.   Make sure you use quality cable between the 2.   I've been using Kimber Kable Hero XLR, and had recently upgraded to Kimber Kable Select KS-1116, and wow, what a difference did it make.  Especially with better and tighter bass.   There has been a $500 price drop on the JC2 for awhile, and it's probably going to be here to stay.

Having said that, I actually just ordered the Cary SLP-05.  I've always been very curious about tube preamps, and have read so many positive comments here.  I feel that I've got to try it out for myself even though I like my current setup.   Now I can't wait to listen to it.

Anyway, good luck with your search.  Feel free to ping me if you have questions on the JC2.

I’m wondering if the RP-7 can also benefit from upgrading the coupling caps - the EVO Oil is not a super cap...

I make my own speakers, and I use Mundorf Supreme Silver Oil, Duelund Cu, Jupiter Cu caps in the crossovers, and I find that they render a more mature sound than EVOs.

Interesting! I’d also upgraded from the Rogue Apollo monoblocks (plain white M-Caps) to Apollo Darks (EVO silver/gold/oil caps), and I’m not sure I really enjoy the Darks any more than the standard version. When their top 6H30 preamps were Rogue Athena & Hera, they used standard Mundorf Supreme caps and I really liked them! I’m definitely suspicious that I simply don’t dig the EVO’s voicing. Don't get me wrong, I still love the Apollo Darks - they can rock like crazy - but they do better with warm partner gear. The pairing with RP-9 was way on the other side of that lol. 

I also have VAC gear which uses a mix of Genteq and Jupiter / Beeswax coupling caps - and for numerous reasons including cap selection, I’m sure - these components always sound warm and sweet.

I have sizeable stash of vintage 6922 / 12ax7 / 12au7 / 12bh7 tubes here too. When the 6H30 sound is "right", I love it and am content to not roll.

Many thanks Avanti1960, jdub39, lowrider57, rmdmoore, mulveling! These are all excellent suggestions and points. I forgot about the Cary SLP-05 preamp in this discussion. I’m definitely going to consider it too. Stereophile didn’t drool over the balanced input measurements on the SLP-05 taken by JA. Also, I’m not sure if the $1,600 upgrade will be significant/needed?…

I know I can’t tube roll on the RP-9 with the 6H30 tube, however, I have a surplus of 6SN7, 6SL7, 12AU7, 12AX7, 6922, etc. when considering different tube preamps, like the RP07. Mundorf EVO are not the most mature PP caps. I could try different coupling caps like Jupiter Cu which are lush, dimensional, warm, and detailed for the RP-9. I’m wondering if the RP-7 can also benefit from upgrading the coupling caps - the EVO Oil is not a super cap...

I make my own speakers, and I use Mundorf Supreme Silver Oil, Duelund Cu, Jupiter Cu caps in the crossovers, and I find that they render a more mature sound than EVOs.

I can confirm, I had an rp-9 and it had no warmth, so take care with system matching on that. The older Rogue 6H30 preamp line of Athena / Hera had more warmth (not a traditional tube warmth to be sure, but still there). The rp-9 actually had fantastic bass, to go with great detail and dynamics. But not warmth. The ARC Reference 6 is warm by comparison. I kind of wonder how the rp-9 would sound with different coupling caps than those Mundorf gold/silver/oil EVO.

I disagree with avanti1960. I have an RP-7 and I find it to be very detailed, dead quiet, great imaging and spaciousness, but lacking in tube warmth. I called Nick at Rogue and had a very frank discussion with him asking directly about if I should upgrade to the RP-9 as it has the same 6h30 tubes that are found in ARC gear. He told me that the RP-9 is even cleaner and more accurate than the 7. He added that with the 9 tube rolling is nearly impossible as there aren't many (barely any) alternates to the stock tubes. I've since put a pair of BugleBoys in my 7 and it's giving me a bit of that tube warmth. I've got a pair of mullards on order to see if I like those better. Having said all that, my feeling is stick with the 7 if you want options. If you want the greatest detail and accuracy go with the 9. 


Separately, I run mine with rogue M180s into vandersteen Quatros and my volume when listening to vinyl is often in the 140 out of 200. The unit is dead quiet though so it's not problematic at all.

the rogue RP1, RH5 and to a lesser extent the RP5 are all dead on neutral.  

never heard the RP9 but owned the RP7 and it sounded too warm and reticent for my preferences.  

IME, Rogue preamps are voiced to be neutral, accurate, with great dynamics. Depending on tube selection you will achieve wide and deep soundstaging. Sonic characteristics are too similar to your amp.

Forgot about the Cary! but do do to budget constraints at the present time as I've spent a good chunk on a new media stand for the hometheater side of things along with the purchase of an Marantz 30n sacd player the Jc2 will end up being my choice. The good thing is I'll finally have the 2/ch setup I've longed for and think it's a pretty darn good start! 

Recently using a Cary Audio SLP-05 preamp with a Parasound a21+ and the results were spectacular- huge spacious sound, tube rectifier warmth and impressive dynamics, transparency and refinement.

You can’t believe it when you plug in a solid state preamp and everything collapses in all directions.

Plug the SLP-05 back in and wow, sound projects out like a 3D movie.

Moved on to another amp- JC5 was one of my choices and I am sure it will sound amazing-  but the Cary pre is here forever.

I'm in the same boat but the only Tube pre/amp on my radar is the Backert Labs Rumba 1.3. I'm most likely gonna save tubes for another day and get the Jc2 bypass as I'm curious to hear it with my Jc5 than anything else. The Rogue does sound like an appealing option.