Which manufacturer has the best user manuals?

I was thinking of the equipment that has passed through my listening system over the years and the documentation that I received with each piece.

I don't know if they are still operating, but Monarchy Audio had great products and support, but the user manuals left a lot to be desired.

Which manufacturer has the best user manual you have seen?

Ag insider logo xs@2xskucie

No sure about the best, but the worst I have come across was the Lumin D1 streamer. A Quickstart Guide consisting of one double-sided page with a few diagrams. That's it.


Don't get me wrong, I loved the D1. I only replaced it because my DDC required USB input and to be fair, there's a comprehensive Lumin user guide available online.


I suppose irrelevant at this point, but the user manual for the Oppo BDP-105 is outstanding.

@tony1954 I understand where you are coming from and didn't intend to detract from the quality of Lumin products.

@100boardwalk Interesting.  I think I've got a BDP-105 around here somewhere, I'll see if I can dig up the manual.  I don't recall looking at it when I got the player.