Which is the best CD-Player up to $ 10k ?

I´m looking for a very good cd-player in the price range up to 10k to be paired with my new Ayon Audio Sunfire single ended tube integrated.

On my short list are Wadia 581SE, Audio Research CD-7, Ayre C-5xe, Esoteric X-01 Ltd. and Audio Aero Prestige SE

Main music preference is classical music, opera, and electronic music.

Speakers are Ayon Audio with ceramic drivers.

Cabelling is all Shunyata Research (but is planned to be exchanged with either Virtual Dynamics or Stealth Audio)

Any input regarding these units is highly appreciated. Thanks fellows !
Frankpiet, the AMR CD-77 is the real deal. Based on having heard the Wadia 581SE alongside the AMR player in my own system, I think you will find that the AMR player will be at least as good. (Not to take anything away from the Wadia, which is an excellent player in its own right.) I can't comment on the ARC CD-7, as I have not heard it in my own system. I understand that the Playback Designs MP-5 compares favorably with the top CDPs we are discussing here as well, but I have not yet heard that component with my own ears.
hi frankpiet:

you should also consider the lector 7 mk 1.

i heard the audio research ref 7.

both players are worthy of your time and energy.

i'm curious as to the results of your comparison.
I have the Wadia 581SE for close to a year now and I have not encountered any problems and it sounds great.
thanks so far for the very nice input. I have had already Accuphase DP-67, Esoteric DV-50S, Audio Aero Capitole MK II with mods, Ayre C-5xe and a GNSC modded Wadia 581 as well as the former Marantz top model and the here mentionned Ayon CD-1.

The Wadia was by far the best - followed by the C-5xe. The only downside with the Wadia was its reliability. I have been told the later SE version is improved in this area as well as sonically ?
The Ayre was superb sounding and very reliable - only downside is the cheap and awfull plastic tray (Charles if you read this: please make my day and develop a nice series 3 or 1 cd-player.
The Audio Aero had extreme reliability issues and was sonically very good at the top-end/ mid -range. Base line was quite bad and bloomy.
The mentionned Ayon CD-1 was very good for the asking price but couldn´t compete with any of the other players. Furthermore had it to be repaired twice because of realibility issues.
Esoteric DV-50 S was a good device. The Accuphase DP-67 sounded flat as a pancake and was musically totally uninvolving.

Unfortunately I had no chance to compare these players A B and with the latter models.

I will follow the hint with the AMR and the CD-7. How do the compare to the machines on my shortlist ?
If looking for a redbook only player, I would try out a AMR CD-77 or the ARC CD-7. However, if you are interested in SACD's, as I would be, I would check out the Audio Aero Prestige, though the AA transport issues would concern me at this amount of $$$. The Marantz SA-7S1 also deserves serious consideration at this price level.

Raysonic 168 with cryoed NOS and Underwood Level 1 mod which upgrades the balanced tubed oputput
For classical music, I strongly recommend you try to audition the EMM CDSA. I A-B'ed it against the Linn CD12 (which I owned at the time), and pretty much wrote a check that day. It does amazing things with redbook CD, and is highly regarded for it's SACD, of course. It does an amazing job of clarifying orchestral textures.

I did audition the Ayre against my Linn as well (some months previously). I know some people like it, as noted above. It didn't work for me. I recall thinking it was too bright, too "hi-fi," but otherwise, can't recall much about it.

I also have a Wadia 860 modified by Great Northern Sound here in the States. I was ambivalent about it in stock form...it tended to empasize detail too much for my taste much of the time (i.e., again, too bright), but the upgraded version is much better, and I still use it for certain things that sound less satisfying on the EMM. (The modified version has a lot of presence and a lot of bottom, and does certain things very well.) I don't know if the 581 is the same way, but I would proceed with caution. The 860 in stock form could be fatiguing (to me).
For me, it would be the Audio Aero Prestige, plays SACD's and you don't need a preamplifier. The most natural, analogue sounding digital audio source I have heard. I have been to numerous audio shows and I have never heard any system with an Audio Aero source sound anything but excellent. That's what I have in my system presently.
Disclaimer - I am an Ayon dealer, but have no skin in the game selling to Germany.

Just curious, have you listened to the Ayon CD1. We think that it is remarkable, at any price and against anything mentioned here.
Ayre C5Xe hands down. Save a ton in comparison to the others listed and give up nothing. Take the $ saved and buy a TON of Orchestral SACDs and smile!
You might also consider Ancient Audio's Lektor Prime. I heard it on a recent trip to Krakov:
I'm very pleased with my Ayre C5xe...but WARNING... It sounds its best run balanced. There is a definite loss when played single ended.
If you listen to a lot of classical, I suggest you might look into SACD. There are tons of SACDs available on Acoustic Sounds and Music Direct. With the right player, SACD can really be an eye opener, IMO. The problem is, SACD players often don't play CDs as well as the best CD players, which is unacceptable in a top-shelf system. If space permits, you might consider a universal player, such as the Esoteric SA-60(5K) for the SACDs, with a good DAC or dedicated CD player like the Lector ((5K+) for the CDs. Meitner makes a one-box SACD/CD player for about $10K, but I haven't heard it.
Agree with AMR CD-77. If I remember well, you're in Germany, right? Distributor in that case is Fast Audio (appr. EUR 6.5k)
...not having heard all the cdp's in the $10k or less range i would vote for the emm cdsa-se ..if you are at all interested in sacd..the cd playing aspect of the player is probably its' strong point..i own one and it has transformed my cd collection...as one of your genre preferences is 'classical' there are thousands of superb sacd's that truely benefit from the format...