Which EL34 is your favorite and why?

I know that this question is asked, but for several years ago, so...

I’m gonna buy a Line Magnetic LM34IA and I’m gonna replace the EL34 stock tubes.
I will also replace the two ECC82 and the ECC83. Any tips for them?

Ditto on the Gold Lion KT77s...after using KT120s, 88s, 6550s, KT150s, and JJ KT77s in a single ended pentode Dennis Had amp (with various rectifier tubes involved), the Gold Lions knocked me out. An amazing 77 that especially compared to the JJs are simply far superior. My faves so far.

Here's a link to Brett Jesse's EL34 website page which, aside from being his listing of tubes he has available, provides his listening impressions of various tubes, you may find this helpful. Also, you can look up similar info on his website for the other tubes you are after. My only affiliation with Brett is as a satisfied customer

+2 @jond, we have been selling quite a few of these of late, including a set to pdreher for his Music Reference RM-9. For me, the Siemens EL-34s have been the best I have experienced in Music Reference, Cary, and VAC amplifiers.

Disclaimer: I run Tube Audio Store.
For currently manufactured tubes my preference is Tung-Sol followed by JJ. My favorite supplier for these is Tube Depot. I have purchased many preamp, driver and power tubes from them over the years and not once had a dud.
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I also like the Amerex/Holland brown-base EL34 if you can find them. I also have a quad of British NOS Genelex KT77.
Genalex Gold Lion KT77 reproductions are to me hands down the best sounding current production EL34 type. The tube is a drop in replacement for EL34's in most but not all amps so double check with LM.
I’m sure there are several who have tried more than me - but I really like the Amerex/Holland brown-base EL34, xf4 and xf5 codes (basically interchangeable). I prefer them to the Mullard blackburn EL34 (xf2, xf3, xf4) for being more neutral and resolving. The Mullards are great, but just a bit too warm & dark sounding for me. I prefer them to current-production Russians for being more holographic, smoother, and liquid sounding. Though the current Russian Mullards are pretty darn good on the cheap - can't go too wrong on that one. Several years ago I tried Russian Electro Harmonix EL34, EH 6CA7, and Svetlana (New Sensor) and found them to be a bit rough and unrefined up top. The Winged-C EL34 was warm like a Mullard but lacked its 3D depth - so I didn’t stick with those.

I know there are more exotic ones like metal-base Hollands and Mullard xf1, xf2, but I haven’t tried them yet. Very hard to find, very expensive!