What speaker cable for Martin Logan motion series (AMT) tweeter.

What speaker cable would you use with Martin Logan Motion series (AMT) tweeters. I am kinda all over the map with this one...Cardas seems too smooth, Nordost too bright. Is there a middle ground? For example, Analysis plus, Transparent, Shunyata Gamma, what about Gutwire? Open to suggestions.

I won't bother you with the whole bi-wiring thing.

Thanks in advance!


I’m a card- carrying CARDAS CLEAR fan with my “A” 2-channel. system, and I was an ex-NORDOST FREY user in my prior 2-channel system,

The CARDAS are all-Cu build, whereas the NORDOST are Ag-over-Cu materials, that predicates an accentuated brightness with the Ag component.

I also have a full 7,2 MARTIN LOGAN home theatre system that meshes very well with VAN DEN HUL speaker cables, that tame the ML’s own bespoke “bright” sonic signature. Your upstream electronics choice are also a very large influence in the audio performance with ML. It’s when I upgraded the HT to YBA power discrete amps, is when the VDH  audio performance was maximized .

Thanks, I just picked up a Musical Fidelity A1 integrated. Class A. New version. I never tried the upper line of Cardas cables. Man, you know your stuff. 

Depends.  What cables are you using now, and what specific improvements/sound characteristics are you looking for?  Also, what’s your budget and are you looking new or used, and do you want bi-wire or not?

I dont need to biwire, I am using some cheap Mogami now. I can go up to $1,000 for a pair of speaker cables. I just don't want anything to sound too bright. 

If you bi-wire I’d highly recommend these AZ shotgun cables that are in your price range.  I have them and they’re nicely detailed but not bright at all with great tone and 3D soundstage abilities, and a few people here have replaced Mogami with these and have been very happy.  Best of luck.


I am using Canare 4S11 speaker cable connected to the GE Triton Refs speakers with AMT  type tweeter.  No harshness, just pure treble. 


^^^^ Yeah what @soix said above, when you said $1000 budget the first thing that popped into my mind was that is exactly how much Satori’s retail for.

Grab a used double-set for the same price



@bobrock +1 to what @soix said and what about the Mogami speaker cables do you not like now? What are you looking for more or less of out of the sound?

btw, for reference I also run ML Motion Series in my Home Theater and use silver-over-copper cables there (only) for improved dialogue, detail. However, my main two channel system is running custom speakers with large AMTs, and there I’m using all Cardas Grade1 copper paired with two different Class-A amp setups. Each cable setup helps to achieve different results for different reasons and use.  

Just wondering what your current thoughts are about your Mogamis (not bad cables), ... a bit more info about what you’d like to change is helpful.

I think Mogami are light on bass and not the best in mid-range. Also, not the most quiet cable. I had the chance to audition Kimber 12 KTC, Analysis plus oval 9, and Shunyata gamma . Now I am really torn. All have their attributes. A friend recommended Purist audio design but I know noting about them. The Shunyata seems to be the most resolving so far,

@bobrock it seems like you’ve already got a good handle on trying different cables and helpful examples so far getting started. I got baited by a good friend 30+ years ago who had a massive supply, and later again with a few dealer friends who let me try different cables. All invaluable experiences yielding results I never expected.

Since you mentioned Mogami and what you hear, and above you mentioned AP Oval 9s, and Cardas being "too smooth"... What I can share is the AP cables and Cardas can sound noticeably different up & down the lineups with different designs of cables they offer. If you feel the Mogami are a bit lean on bass and midrange [in your system], some might say "neutral". By chance do you have access to a local dealer who will let you try different cables? Or, have you ever checked out the "lending library" service at TheCableCo?

Cardas are designed to be very warm at the bottom tiers (concealing flaws) and more open and neutral as you move up their lineup. So, top level will be much more transparent. I use Transparent exclusively… they are just that… you get exactly what your components are passing on without tonal adjustment. I have all Audio Research Reference stuff so that is perfect for me. No tonal adjustment between tiers just improved performance. Good choice if your system is up for it. AMTs are great but revealing. I would try Cardas Clear xxx and a Transparent that fits your budget. Then choose.

Given you haven’t found the right cable yet I’ll reiterate my earlier recommendation for the used AZ Satori shotgun cables for $850 that still seem to be available.  If they don’t work out you can very likely sell them for no loss so very little risk, and I think there’s a good chance they’ll do everything you’re looking for.