What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".


ELP 'Trilogy'. I am spinning Bill Evans 'Moonbeams' 2011 remaster. This is a nice remastered series.
Actually I'm listening (and watching) to Joe Bonamassa Live From The Beacon on Blu Ray....
Of course, my posting reminds to "get it back out" as Audiowoman says. So I listen to "Stanley Clarke Trio", I am reminded that they do a cover of "Under The Bridge" by Red Hot Chili Peppers. (Flea)
My memory then shifts to Chrtistian McBride's album "Sci-Fi" Where he covers: "Aja" (Steely Dan) "Walking On The Moon" (Sting) "Havona" (Jaco) "Butterfly Dreams" (Stanley Clarke) A great homage to a composer to have others carry it on with their own version with respect. How many times was "Body And Soul" covered?
This is why I have always loved Jazz.
Of course, my posting reminds to "get it back out" as Audiowoman says. So I listen to "Stanley Clarke Trio", I am reminded that they do a cover of "Under The Bridge" by Red Hot Chili Peppers. (Flea)
My memory then shifts to Chrtistian McBride's album "Sci-Fi" Where he covers: "Aja" (Steely Dan) "Walking On The Moon" (Sting) "Havona" (Jaco) "Butterfly Dreams" (Stanley Clarke) A great homage to a composer to have others carry it on with their own version with respect. How many times was "Body And Soul" covered?
This is why I have always liked Jazz.
Hiromi Uehara is an incredible Pianist. I have three her albums titled: Voice, Move, and Brain. I found her while searching Anthony Jackson music. (Bassist) A real Jazz power trio. She is also on "The Stanley Clarke Trio w/ Lenny White, which I also have. I was fortunate to to catch her as a guest on Piano Jazz on WBGO two weeks ago. She played "Haze" which is a solo piece written by her which is featured on Voice Album. I did NOT get her albums just because she happens to be beautiful :)
The original Jersey Boys soundtrack. It is very well done and takes me back a lot of years to much simpler and happier times. And that is why I'm into audio.
Audiowoman, I feel compelled to suggest one that was recommended by Charles (onedad) "she's my girl" in his posting :) Carmen McRae "Live At The Dug" Carmen alone with her piano. JVC XRCD. It does blow me away each time I listen.
Audiowoman, I am glad you are listening and that I was able to drag you out of the woodwork here :) HA
I'm so glad to hear all you guys are enjoying bluelight till dawn. I need to get it back out and listen again myself. It's been a while.I will check out that new CD as well Isochronism.
Don, I found an album by Danilo Perez (pianist) "Across The Crystal Sea" while searching for Christian McBride appearances. Upon listening, Cassandra sings on two tracks. A very nice surprise and real added bonus!!!
Isochronism, I love playing Cassandra late at night as well. Have everything that she's ever released that I know of. Was listening to New Moon Daughter last night. If you like Blue Light you're probably going to like everything she's ever released and you're in for a treat.
Abuck2.80, I bought "Blue Light 'Til Dawn" based on Audiowoman's recommendation as one of her reference CD's. I REALLY like that one and it IS excellent for quiet late nights. Very beautiful
Rbrowne - I do not have Nostalgia. So I will have to check that out. Your recommendation of Sunset Mission duly noted although "Club of Gore" sounds a little "iffy" for my tastes. None the less, will try to give it a listen. Thanks for the suggestions.
Ghosthouse, I have both Les Fleurs and Nostalgia by Marsen Jules, which I enjoy.

One I've recently been listening to is Sunset Mission by Bohren & Der Club of Gore. Very dark and gloomy jazz that could be a film noir soundtrack. Recommended.
Los Lobos - Colossal Head. Appreciating tonight what a great recording this is -
music and production. One of the best screams ever on Track 2: Mas Y Mas
(which suggests a topic for another "best whatever ever...." Audiogon
thread. I'll resist the temptation). Glad to see Rbrowne liking Herbstlaub. It
contains some truly beautiful moments. Do you have Les Fleurs?
I really like Neko Case, but I'm just not sure about this new album. I need to listen to it a couple more times.

Funny, I've never taken a shine to her music UNTIL this album...
Bummer about the new Neko Case cd. I was going to pick that CD up but will first try to listen to the samples on Amazon first.
The new Neko Case CD "The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You", (Limited Deluxe Edition).

I really like Neko Case, but I'm just not sure about this new album. I need to listen to it a couple more times.
Tony Overwater "Op" (hybrid SACD) by Turtle Records tribute recording to Oscar Pettiford made in Holland
Tonight the digital minority report is from YouTube...
Fleetwood Mac 1968 & Mr Wonderful ("vinyl rips").


Never realized what an excellent rhythm section Mick & John were.
Got my toes tappin'.

Jeremy Spencer's no slouch on slide.
And who's this Pete guy on guitar??? ;-)
Neil Halstead is also a good choice for chill. He was in the group Mojave 3.
Aolmrd - thanks for the Martin Tillman. Did not know him. Listen a bit to the likes of Zero 7, Leftorium, Air. Now I'll add Tillman to the list.
Tboooe - glad you enjoyed the concert. The only thing I have by TTWS is "Dulcinea". Haven't listened to it in years. Maybe I will dust it off.

FWIW - Been listening to a fair amount of post-Police Andy Summers recently. Tonight is "The Last Dance of Mr. X". VERY well recorded (excellent sonics with crazy low bass). The band is Tony Levin and Greg Bissonette. Other recommendations of A.S. music are: The Golden Wire and Mysterious Barricades.
Ghosthouse, it was GREAT! I last saw them in 1991 @ The Backdoor in San Diego. They sounded tight, and invigorated last night. Of course I prefer their old stuff from Bread & Circus and Pale but the new stuff is good too. Their sound has definitely matured a bit.
For the Down Tempo/Chill crowd. Good stuff.

Merge of Equals... Intoxicating

Below Zero... Minus 1

Martin Tillman...Eastern Twin
Apart from Toad, many names I've not heard of before. Lots to sample on YouTube. Thanks all.

Tboooe - how was the concert?
Listening to the new Guy Clark "My Favorite Picture of You" next is Terrance Blanchard "Magnetic"
Quadro Nuevo, Mocca Flor and Antakya, and before that,
Stacey Kent, Raconte-moi...
Chillin to some Amos Lee before I head out to watch Toad the Wet Sprocket in concert. Haven't seen them since my college days. Pretty pumped m
Yup, resurrecting this thread for an occasion to say...
Working my way through Wilco studio CDs in chronological order. Summerteeth
in now (gosh, this thing is LOUD). Overall, impressed with the arrangements,
production and sound quality of their stuff...not to mention songs that are a little
off the beaten path but still accessible.
Doug Raney, "You go to my Head"
Carmen McRae, "Bittersweet"
Tardo Hammer, "Look Stop and Listen"
"Sarah Vaughan with Clifford Brown"
I am glad Yoshimi takes her vitamins when she protects us from those evil robots...

some heavy music!
I'm always on the look out for new music, but unfortunately finding music that you enjoy and sounds good isn't always easy. I've made a personal decision to just concentrate on music that I enjoy.

In any case, finding music that you'll enjoy is sometimes difficult. In an effort to make finding new music easier, I've subscribed to MOG and Pandora. It think that both subscriptions run me less than $20 a month. Although neither service can deliver high fidelity music, it sounds acceptable and it's an easy way to check out new music before you buy it.
Joe Henderson - Page One

Brahms - Piano Concertos Nos. 1&2 - Leon Fleisher/George Szell/ Cleveland Orch
It ended up being "Embryonic" and "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots".

Going out tonight to hear a live band.
Foster thanks! I will give it a listen.

One of my favorite Coltrane albums is: Ole

Chopin's Scherzi, fantasie, berceuse, barcarolle performed by Eugene Mursky piano volume 5 of the Chopin edition. New pianist to me, has a complete new take on Chopin, which is really refreshing and well worth listening to. He is young, 30's,and only available on CD so I listen.
Glad for positive responses. Was a little hesitant about starting the thread. This can be a tough community. But, yeah, the idea is just to get more music ideas about things that sound good on CD or stuff you simply have and enjoy on CD (or other digital format, that's cool too).

On the Coltrane side of things, I'd like to add "Live at the Half Note - One Down, One Up". Maybe I'm the only one who didn't know but these are 2 discs of recordings from March and May 1965 shows- stuff off of tapes made during the live broadcast on late night NYC jazz radio. The pictures alone that come with the CD are great. The recordings capture the electricity of what was going down. I really wish I could have been there. Hope somebody that doesn't know them already will enjoy the music. You can find audio recordings on You Tube if you want to check it out.