What is most important part of a system?

I remember reading someone saying that the most important part of a system was the source. I thought "Wrong! Speakers are the most important".
Now, I have changed my mind. Source is the most important part.

Right or wrong but this is how I came to this conclusion;

I have tried the same system with a CD player and a turntable. By far LP sounds better than a CD. Btw, the system had all high-end amps, speakers, cables, etc.

What is most important part of a system for you?

bcoz it's also great analog preamp AND headphone amp.
Alesis Masterlink is indeed super good.

back to the original topic: Refer to this tune when want to really find out the most important PART of system!


Alesis Masterlink may be good and the term "close" is subjective but your statement is astounding.
Sorry to say but such complicated $250 Recorder/DAC has it`s budget that only allows the cheapest parts to be used. 
It sure may be extremely well engineered but it has it`s limits because of the budget.

Of course, everyone knows mega price means mega sound. Lots of people drink from that well. Me I trust MY EARS.

Totally agree. I also trust my ears. Newer and more expensive is not equivalent to better sound. In high-end audio industry the prices are horribly inflated and it`s quite common that some older vintage or cheaper gear puts today's mega-dollar machines into shame.
........But it`s impossible to design a top end SOTA equipment for budget of $250 and expect it to sound as good as the best costing 100 or even 10 times as much.
I know that some 20k machines are bettered by 2k machine but not $250. In my view today it`s just not physically possible.
another issue is that DAC design is advancing fairly rapidly, esp. compared to loudspeakers

engineers seem to be focusing on noise in DACs, which can cause jitter - not just alter DR and the noise floor

many are saying that noise is being injected from circuits inside as well as outside the DAC

assuming they are at least partly correct, one is likely to have any DAC purchased be a temporary expedient, so buy accordingly

I'd also check out newly marketed DACs that advertise designs with low noise or high noise immunity

NO affiliations with any manfs., dealers, etc. - maybe a few scientists who study sound perception
So the most important thing, by far, is the power cord. It's got to be long enough to reach the outlet.

Once that's out of the way, I happen to think the room is critical. I moved last year and did not change gear at all. As terrific as my system was in my old place, and it was, I think my room is better now and my system just floors me now even more than it did before. 

After the room, I know it's popular to say it's the source that counts, but I am not really on board with that. I think the source and the speakers are of equal significance. Next comes the preamp and then the amp. 

I'm not going to get into the entire cable debate, though I do believe cables matter. And by that, I mean all cables- power cords, interconnects, speaker cable and digital cable. I am a fan of OCC cables and shielded power cords. YMMV.
It all matters that is why they call it a system . The room dictates the application of the system mostly the speakers . Smaller rooms are harder to get right with full range speakers that's why small book shelf speakers sound good in smaller rooms . If you want your cake and eat it too look into distributed bass .    
Planning is the most important thing you can do. Figure your budget then look at what that money will buy you. Good vinyl, these days can be pricey and may require an external phono stage plus cables..... On a restricted budget I would think you would plan on getting efficient speakers, that way you are not left thinking you should get more watts to make it all sound terrific. That more watt philosophy does not always make sense. So high efficient speakers then sweet little tube amp, there are plenty. 

If you are on restricted by budget constrains give me a call I have plenty of gear that will test your commitment to the hobby. Good stuff however.


try to place Alesis Masterlink $250 as DAC only and you'll get result very close to yer $35k DAC.

Wanna put some money on it!

Happy Listening.

show me the blind listening test results

Give me 30 seconds in your system forget about going blind.  Most people have never heard a DHT component.
It is not just a change, it is an experience never heard before.

Happy Listening.
Post removed 
Well, bigkidz,
Sounds pretty dam logical isn't that?
If there's a $35k budget for DAC, why not try $250 DAC and see what changes positive or negative rite?
great question , but its all important garbage in garbage out so a good front end is important, the right speakers are also just as important they all sound different in my room anyway , room acoustics very important or your never get the best out of any component, a better quality sounding amplifier can make a huge difference to sound quality ie going from a good ss to a great valve or vacuum tube amp is an incredible experience ,also trying a passive pre amp can be incredible also but im going with the front end as the man behind linn said garbage in garbage out , another wise man once said you cant polish s**t
all true, but the real issue is where to spend the most money

that is the way this question is usually interpreted anyway

with digital, that means the only transducer left is the speaker (and as per above, its interface to the room)
if its a case of where to spend the most money, in this audiophile life we have never usually really got enough money so my go at answering this question is now going to be speakers, having great speakers at least makes sure that you have left the best till last and whatever signal has been achieved by your system it will not be getting held back at the last part of the chain, garbage in garbage out will still be playing a big part here but at least the speakers will be as good as you can get , no good spending most of your money on a piece of equipment further up the chain if you have got a pair of s**t speakers  , so on a budget the new answer is definitely spend the most money on the speakers , room acoustics are a big issue but very simple free ideas like hanging curtains around the walls and adding some soft furnishings like rugs and cushions usually can tame a lively room , using simple 40gbp RDC cones under your speakers is a good prity cheap solution , so where to spend the most money will be speakers definitely. 
randy-11I am not likely to let big kidz anywhere near my system.  I like this!

czarivey If there's a $35k budget for DAC, why not try $250 DAC and see what changes positive or negative rite?

I have been repairing, building, modifying components for 25 years.  Built almost everything out there, tired caps, resistors, tubes, cables, etc.  I am lucky to be in an area where I can hear many many systems and components, also when repairing something, I can hear it in my system.  It cost over $3K in parts for my DAC, why because having a partner who is has a masters in EE, we can build anything we want and that is what it takes to make our DAC.  If I could build something cheaper that sounded as god as my DAC, boy I sure would!  I could send the design to China, send it to dealers and retire.  When I bring my DAC over to someones home to hear in their system, it takes 30 seconds before they say, i want one, they tell me that they have been audio people for 20-30-40 years and have owned many components, then they ask how we did it.  I am not saying that I am the only one who can do this but I am one of the few who understands how to make a Direct Heated Triode DAC and preamp (no caps in the signal path).  Recently I had a gentlemen who worked in the industry for 35 years, retired now.  He has seen everything in his system and most people who compared theirs to his, never made it.  When he heard my DAC in his system he bent down on one knee and ordered one.  30 seconds is all it took.  It took a few years to make this sound the way it does.  Send me the DAC you have and and I will set up a meeting to compare the two so it won't be just my opinion.  I will make an exception and do this.  It will be fun for 30 seconds!

Happy Listening.      
It will be fun for 30 seconds!
Why does it take so long?
If the difference is so big I usually don`t need more than a couple seconds to pick the winner. :))
Plutos  Most people are not prepared to hear the difference.  They kind of get a puzzled look on their face and then move to sit in the position where they normally go to listen, pull out a recording they want to hear and then they ask how much for me.  I wanted to give the benefit of a doubt also.

But I like your thought process.

My comment was meant as a joke a bit. I am confident that your DAC is super but since I`m in Europe it will be difficult for me to test it, though the temptation is high.

P.S. I hear quite a substantial differences in different digital front ends in my system. It is subjective but some are night and day differences.

Best regards
Just wanted to add that my profuse term "night and day differences" is also most subjective. It`s dependent of different systems (rooms), personal preferences, hearing skills/abilities etc.
Isn't the premise of this whole thread faulty?  That a single component will make a system worth listening to.  For example, I often see expensive speakers paired with average components as if the speakers are going to magically make the system worthwhile.  

As much as we would love for there to be shortcuts, the reality is that the system must be properly balanced and crappy components anywhere in the chain (including the room) make it such that you might as well light on fire the money paid for good components because they will forever be handicapped by the components not similarly commensurate in quality.
The quality of recording that you are playing is the most important. A good recording will bring out the best even in a mediocre system and a bad recording will make the most expensive systems sound not listenable.
Yep, Audioman, but mediocre systems need their own recordings to sound good.
Most of the mainstream stuff is recorded crappy, so it will sound good in your car radio or iPhone ........
Agree, recording is the beginning of the signal and if it`s crap then everything below is a ................ :))
Yep, Schubert we know that sound depends of your room and electricity, but it will not change the recording quality. :)

P.S. What`s with your electricity in US?
In American big cities its pretty dirty . US infrastruture urban and rural is in very bad shape, money is needed for wars and stocks .
I am in in area of 4 million people ,music at 12 AM sounds much better that at 12PM . 
When I'm in Berlin or  Toulon sounds about the same anytime .
Sorry to hear. Now I see why the power-plants and other mains tweaks are so popular.
In the time when I was living in the apartment I also felt that in evenings the music sounded a bit better.