Wadia still in business?

Is Wadia still in business? My emails get sent back and phone calls just go to an answering machine. What is happening there?
This topic seems to come up every few months or so. It amazes me that a company that has such a good reputation for its products can have such a poor reputation for customer service.
I had a Wadia needing some repair work a few years back and it was the same story. In the end it was off to Steve Huntly at GNSC for help. He must get sick of dealing with issues that should be dealt with by Wadia themselves.
A fellow technician, who is trying to sort out a dead Wadia 16 told me last week, that they did answer his e-mails. I have asked him the same question as you did.
I've heard the same thing about Wadia. Repairs take forever. Some report more then a year's wait.

Does seem strange, spend so much time and effort building SOA products but run the rest of the company in a half-ass manner.

Dosen't seem to be unusual though. Looking at Odyssey audio they have great products and customer service that is second to none but never bother to update their website. The Khatargo and Cyclops amps have been out for like 2 years and they arn't even listed under products!
I'm still waiting for a reply to an email from 7 weeks ago. Oh, and from a phone call and email in 2003. Whether they're still in business or not, I can't say. But they are doing a good impersonation of a company that wants to go out of business.

Too bad too because I love my modified Wadia 301 and was also happy with my older 850. If they had PS Audio's customer orientation, for example, they'd rule the world. But the way they're headed they'll just be a fond memory for a few audiophiles lucky enough to have owned their equipment.
It is a shame that their customer service sucks so bad. I too have a CDP from them and asking simple questions thru email you get this 'stupid' generic, "we are experiencing lots of email and a rep will respond to you shortly..." 6 weeks later you get some one line response... that does not even address the original question. Never mind trying to phone them. I agree if they had excellent customer service few companies would be able to touch them. I hope they get their act together because they must be losing sales hand over fist. I refuse to buy a 861 which has been on my short list till things dramatically improve.

good listening.
wadia is definitely still alive and kicking. i ordered a 861b in 11/04. received it in 1/05, but no metal remote. after sending numerous emails to both dealer and wadia, they sent a temporary plastic remote, which is not even fully functional. i was told by wadia they have been waiting to receive a machine to make the metal remotes...

my emails get answered in about 2 days. not bad. but i am starting to feel i may never get the metal remote. it is getting harder to believe that no one has been getting a remote with new wadias for the past 3+ months.

despite the customer service issue, the performance of the 861b makes it all worth while for me.

For non-warranty repairs (or for upgrades), there's always Great Northern Sound Co. Steve Huntley is lightning fast at responding to inquiries and he has built up a stellar reputation for honesty and technical prowess.
Dear Friends,

I am happy to report that all is well with Wadia.

You will be glad to learn that we have recently added an additional customer support person to the team. We truly value your feedback and would like you to keep us apprised of our progress.

Please feel free to contact me directly if you ever feel you are not receiving adequate service and support, or if you have any question regarding Wadia at all.

Thank you for your continued support of Wadia.

Best regards,

John W. Schaffer
734-786-9611 x 114

Yes. Yesterday I sent an email and left a voice mail - both were responded to the same day. Today, the issue is resolved. I say this not just because I am a Wadia owner protecting my investment, but because whatever difficulties or evils Wadia is going through, they are treating me decent and providing outstanding service. They also openly and sincerely acknowledge a need and desire to improve. I sense absolutely no hint of pretension or poo pooing - they genuinely seem to care about getting all customer service and relationship issues resolved. Keith in service provided me great technical info and John Schaffer has delivered some odd parts at no expense and has patiently fielded all of my questions and concerns. Perhaps my issues are smaller and easier, or perhaps I am more patient? I just know that they are taking care of me, and with a great attitude to boot. Try ext. 114.

Do I have my "metal" remote yet? No, but I will wait happily and patiently while extracting much joy from my redbook collection, and know that when the "metal remote issue" gets resolved (and it will), I will have a cool remote capable of crushing small mammals and toes.

Last year I was very concerned about purchasing a Wadia - today I couldn't be more satisfied with my purchase - nothing else I have tried in my system sounds soooo good. And the folks at Wadia today give me the impression that they will be there tomorrow and the next day making great products for happy listeners. It was not easy sticking with Wadia through some turmoil, but it appears to be paying off. Good luck and happy listening.
Yes, they're definitely still in business. They're actually hosting our upcoming Detroit/Ann Arbor Head-Fi Meet. This is the second meet of ours that they'll have hosted in the last couple of years.

John, looking forward to seeing you again, man.

Best Regards,
I am glad to hear things are going well. I just purchased a used Wadia DAC.
Hopefully some time in the future I can afford the 861 I always wanted.

Good luck to your customer relations person by that way.
I am sure they are going to have fun trying to catch up.

So, what just happened at Wadia by that way?
Was there another take over (hostile)?
It would be nice to hear it from the source and not through a big game of internet telephone. Hopefully this time the company is back on it's feet for good.

All the best,
Hopefully this time the company is back on it's feet for good.

I would like to second that. I have owned Wadias for a few years now and I live on the other side of the world. You can imagine how I feel when it comes to possible repair issues and there is a question mark over the company's future.

Good luck to the folk at Wadia. You have products second to none.
I sent an email yesterday AM regarding 860 upgrades and keith responded later that day.He said that the 1 upgrade could be performed now but the se upgrade was backed up a couple of months.He advised me to schedule a service appointment so my unit did not set at the factory for months.
I bought ,from a Wadia dealer several months ago,a Wadia , and the dealer ordered via email extra boxes as the ones he had were dammaged.We waited for months,nothing despite several emails that the dealer sent to Wadia.So finaly a few weeks ago i left a message at ext 114,the same day Keith(who replace Matt I guess)called me back and told that he will take care of the issue.
within a couple of weeks I received my boxes.The service was excellent on par with the product.
Apparently, someone told me that, they were reorganising the company,that's why they were slow answerring,anyway that seems to be the past and their aftersale service today is first class.
I have talked to them recently and they said there were problems but now that the restructuring in the company is complete, all is well. I received what I needed from them promptly and am now happy.
Sorry to bring such a old thread back to life, but these days, Wadia is as good, if not better, than always. I just bought a Wadia S7i from Great Northern Sound Company with Steve's Statement upgrade. All I can say is, "wow"!! I hve never, ever heard digital this good. It did take a full 3-4 months to really break in, but then one day, all the emotion and life came back (but in spades) to my system. And, the S7i is also a preamp and media center w/usb and other digital inputs.
Sorry to bring such a old thread back to life, but these days, Wadia is as good, if not better, than always.

It's certainly not my view of ​​Wadia today.

Wadia continues to expose announced launches (almost 3 years for the 121 DAC), and I have knowledge of many quality problems on their machine, and my own S7i is filled with finish defects, which Wadia refused to solve :-(
From Wadia homepage:

Subject: Wadia Shut Down
The new owners have shut Wadia down and will eventually move it to Minnesota from Michigan.

Wadia Support

I fondly remember when they were in River Falls Wisc. I drove over several times and they showed me things they were working on and I listened to products in their listening room. I also dropped off and picked up products for upgrades. Lots of fun for an audiophile!
If indeed they are having problems, I hope they can manage to get through them.
Announcement about new management, change in location, etc:

I am having problems with a GNSC modified 381: MUCH higher than expected noise floor with frequent clicks and pops not unlike a dirty vinyl record. Incredibly, GNSC said they cannot reproduce the problem but I hear the noise in multiple sound systems in multiple locations. This 381 has been plagued since new. For what it is worth, my Wadia warranty was voided as a result of the modifications, a situation that was never discussed prior to the sale. I fear that I am stuck with this lemon. Nobody answers the phone at Wadia except a machine.
I was considering driving out there as I am in MI
not too far away (they listed they did sales there)

Thought I might get one of their docs to play with
but perhaps not.
i was asking them a question via email.

i did not hear anything after a week.

this is not acceptable.

i send another question to wadia today and received an automatic reply from audio research.
Try contacting SeattleHifi - there was another thread a month or so ago about a similar problem and, as a Wadia dealer, intervened on the posters behalf - maybe they can help you as well
my question is simple:

1) whether i can order the plastic battery cover for metal remote control.

2) what is my 781i's service record.

local dealer said i need to buy a new remote for 500.

only wadia know what had been done.
if they have any problem, that is not my problem.

at least they should update their website and remove this paragraph:

"Answering your questions and understanding your needs is at the heart of our service mission."