Wadia still in business?

Is Wadia still in business? My emails get sent back and phone calls just go to an answering machine. What is happening there?

Showing 1 response by jim63

Yes. Yesterday I sent an email and left a voice mail - both were responded to the same day. Today, the issue is resolved. I say this not just because I am a Wadia owner protecting my investment, but because whatever difficulties or evils Wadia is going through, they are treating me decent and providing outstanding service. They also openly and sincerely acknowledge a need and desire to improve. I sense absolutely no hint of pretension or poo pooing - they genuinely seem to care about getting all customer service and relationship issues resolved. Keith in service provided me great technical info and John Schaffer has delivered some odd parts at no expense and has patiently fielded all of my questions and concerns. Perhaps my issues are smaller and easier, or perhaps I am more patient? I just know that they are taking care of me, and with a great attitude to boot. Try ext. 114.

Do I have my "metal" remote yet? No, but I will wait happily and patiently while extracting much joy from my redbook collection, and know that when the "metal remote issue" gets resolved (and it will), I will have a cool remote capable of crushing small mammals and toes.

Last year I was very concerned about purchasing a Wadia - today I couldn't be more satisfied with my purchase - nothing else I have tried in my system sounds soooo good. And the folks at Wadia today give me the impression that they will be there tomorrow and the next day making great products for happy listeners. It was not easy sticking with Wadia through some turmoil, but it appears to be paying off. Good luck and happy listening.