WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips

WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips has anyone tried these?

I have tried the fuse chips and I am quite impressed! How the ... ???

So, I went ahead and ordered chips for speakers,cables,and transformer chips. I also purchased a few more fuse chips to try on circuit breakers / outlets.
Heck, I may even try some of them on my Synergistic powercell.
Luckly they come with a 30 day return.

I have read Norm's positive review on Stereo Times.

Just wondering if anyone else has tried these.
Mapman, the difference between a real atom and an artificial one, one grown in the lab, is that the real atom has a real nucleus in the center with real electrons around it, whereas an artificial atom has an empty hole in the center with real electrons around it. The hole has a positive charge. Follow? I work with one of the world's largest nanotechnology companies to obtain the unobtanium.

Wikipedia to the rescue.

Quantum dot
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Different sized quantum dots emit different color light due to quantum confinement. A quantum dot is a portion of matter (e.g., semiconductor) whose excitons are confined in all three spatial dimensions. Consequently, such materials have electronic properties intermediate between those of bulk semiconductors and those of discrete molecules.[1][2][3] They were discovered at the beginning of the 1980s by Alexei Ekimov[4] in a glass matrix and by Louis E. Brus in colloidal solutions. The term "quantum dot" was coined by Mark Reed.[5]

Researchers have studied quantum dots in transistors, solar cells, LEDs, and diode lasers. They have also investigated quantum dots as agents for medical imaging and hope to use them as qubits in quantum computing.
Stated simply, quantum dots are semiconductors whose electronic characteristics are closely related to the size and shape of the individual crystal. Generally, the smaller the size of the crystal, the larger the band gap, the greater the difference in energy between the highest valence band and the lowest conduction band becomes, therefore more energy is needed to excite the dot, and concurrently, more energy is released when the crystal returns to its resting state. For example, in fluorescent dye applications, this equates to higher frequencies of light emitted after excitation of the dot as the crystal size grows smaller, resulting in a color shift from red to blue in the light emitted. In addition to such tuning, a main advantage with quantum dots is that, because of the high level of control possible over the size of the crystals produced, it is possible to have very precise control over the conductive properties of the material.[6] Quantum dots of different sizes can be assembled into a gradient multi-layer nanofilm.
Ozzy, me to for referencing it as well. IT has nothing to do with the WA Quantum chips.
YEs, I follow what you said about artificial atoms. Sounds like nonsense to me.

I've read about quantum dot applications before. Definitely a useful light/optics related technology but how is it relevant to this discussion. Is that what you or perhaps others mean when they say some material they use is programmed? If so, I might buy that but a program is just a for of technology. It may be good, bad or useless. WHat matters is the application.
Mapman,I did enjoy the above reference!That was a good one!
Have to laugh at some of this stuff!
Geoff does say it helps to have a sense of humor regarding quantum audio products. I'm sure it helps him!

It usually never hurts to have a sense of humor, but there are some things that are almost impossible or perhaps even ill advised to just laugh at.
Mapman, I take it you must have slept through the whole Intelligent Chip thing, eh? The Orange, Red and Blue Intelligent Chips all contained quantum dots. This is very hush, hush, so please keep it under your hat.


Machina Dynamica
We Do Artificial Atoms Right
Mapman wrote,

"It usually never hurts to have a sense of humor, but there are some things that are almost impossible or perhaps even ill advised to just laugh at."

Ooooooo....OK, no laughing from now on. Mapman is getting in one of his pensive moods.

I was living on the edge for years,using DIY fuse replacements.
When the Iso Cleans came out I tried them and they were better than stock and much safer than DIY chunks of wire.

Then when the HiFi supremes came out I didn't hesitate to try them in my old Acoustat servo charge tube amps.

Very nice improvemnt over the stock fuses, which may have been original.

Only when I applied the WA chips did fuse directionality become audible.

What else became more audible was the improved weight to the music when the fuses with the chips were in the right direction.

In the opposite direction the sound was more lightweight and tipped up towrds the upper frequencies.

Anyone tried the chips on stock fuses?

So far I don't seem to have seen any posts.

The cost for the fuse chips is dirt cheap, so I can't understand why those who feel the designer fuses are too costly, would not try the WA chips on their own stock fuses?
Lacee, yes the fuse chips are the real thing and would probably improve upon any fuse type.

As I have posted earlier, I have a full complement of the different types of chips. I am now in the process of removing all of the cable chips from my HIDiamond cables. The chips seem to suck the life out of the music with these cables. IÂ’m thinking that this is probably do to the fact that the HIDiamond cables use carbon in the mixture with the copper.
My conclusion after spending over $250 on the chips is to NOT buy them totally waste of time, effort and money. Use the money to buy more/ better fuses instead.
I have a collection of them that doesn't stick anymore due to the useless glue that they use.
Flashunlock, you might want to pick up a pack of removeable Glue Dots at Office Depot or CVS. They're what the big boys use.
Flashunlock, I've spent way more $$$ than you. At this point, I have removed all of the cable chips from my system. I think they are just too overwelming on my cables. But, I do think a cable chip on the main breaker is a plus along with fuse chips on the individual breakers that go to my dedicated outlets.

At this point, I still have the Transformer and Cap(large, small)chips on my analog equipment. And of course the fuse chips on fuses.
Well this weekend I may try removing them from my Analog equipment to see what changes.
It's odd though, initially they sounded great everywhere they were placed, but now that I have removed some the sound sounds better without them.
Does the fact that these artificial atoms have a ,,,empty hole where a nucleus is in a real atom as opposed a real nucleus make a difference? Geoff,What is the name of this big company you work with ?
Raytheprinter wrote,

"Does the fact that these artificial atoms have a ,,,empty hole where a nucleus is in a real atom as opposed a real nucleus make a difference?

The artificial atoms emit coherent light, unlike real atoms. It's a quantum confinement thing, I.e., Broglie wavelength. Like a CD laser (as I said before).

"Geoff, What is the name of this big company you work with?"

That's between me and my hairdresser.
Ok, I have had plenty of time playing with these chips in various configurations and now I am able to conclude that;

1. The fuse chips were a positive on every component that they were placed.

2. Chips at the circuit breaker are a plus. I use a cable chip on the main circuit breaker and 3 fuse chips on the dedicated breakers to my Audio system.

3. Large solid state Power Amps and perhaps Preamps benefit with Transformer and Large Capacitor chips.

4. The chips of any kind on digital equipment (except the fuse chips) suck the life out of the music.

5. On my system with my HIDiamond cables the cables chips were too over powering and flattened the image.

6. The speaker chips work pretty well, but the placement on your speakers matters.

7. Too many chips in the whole system can degrade the sound by flattening the images.

This is how the chips performed in my system, and I hope it helps anyone else interested in these chips to aid as a starting point for their system.
Ozzy, its good that you have not given up on the chips.

Baffling stuff, knowing they work, i still cant imagime how it will work on a piano.

There are 2 new chips, the power and semiconductor chips.

I have used both, together with a no risk trial of the whole range of these "stickers".

So far, negatives need rebalancing of the sound with other types of chips or tweaks. Keep an open mind and tweak on.

The ic chips in my palyers shows no ill effects as described by yourself. But agree that too many same chips in a system requires a rebalance of the Sound by tweaking elsewhere or using a different chip.

What is that i found each chip doesnt have a different characteristic. The flattening of the sound imho, the cable chips which are easiest to use can sound flat and overly smooth once you have a good number in the system.

With one cable chil on each cable didnt work for me, the last interconnect beside having them on all pc's flattened the sound.

Heres where the lower chip comes in, it sound more bombastic and fleshed out. Now when i reintroduce the last ic with the cable chip, brilliant!

Adding another power chip improved it further. Now came the 3rd and last power chip i had. It added further to the solidity, but now the staging sounds more closed in and vocal show some grain and hardness. Here where i add another cable chip to the ic and this smooths out the sound again.

In regards to speakerchips, specifically adding a capacitor chip on the woofers cap gave it better lows and shifting it where the midrange cap is located, the midbass improve, likewise a transformer chip at the location of the woofers inductor was nice as well. These were place outside the speaker know the specific location of the parts.

I didnt experiment much with the fuse chips, besides the cdp, they just went in and i didnt notice anything detrimental. Their effect is nice but smaller compared to the larger chip. Size does matter! Maybe 2 or 3 chips per fuse brings more benefits.

Now, how many more capacitor abd inductor chips to i need. Its crazy so far. I just keep ordering, the total on each order makes me think again as the price add up so quickly.
Now that my 2 channel system is satisfied and set with the chips, I now have turned to my home theater equipment.

My Denon Reciever has 6 fuses. I only have the small capacitor chips left, do you think they can take the place of the fuse chips? They really look physically the same.
Hey, i just done my last order of chips in 10's of the various kinds.

imo, dont, different chips sound different. I experienced the same problem from the cable chips on the wrong cable, details, yes, smooth but lacks dynamic.

I cut a large cap chip into quarters hoping to save some, didnt work-i may may messed that chip up. It just sounds different and lost the impact.

like i mentioned try the new power chip, it gives the sound a pronounced kick and yes i just placed them on top of the power connector. Way different from a cable chip. Go figure.

I am now just going take my time to experiment i have enough chips and will have some extras to tweak, dont bet on returning them. Ill just see where to fit them slowly . im sure they will fall in place.

An extra $200 worth of chip when i'm done (i guess) will be just to do fine tuning. I really don't need any more, it's already overkill with the number of chips i have now. Well, any of my footer cost that already. The best part is that when they work in the right place, they improve in a direction that doesn't mess up the sound as much as a wrong footer , cable etc.

I think the bigger the chip is better. I was short of 1 transformer chip and tried a capacitor chip on the same location on my other speaker. Didn't work for me.

I would recommend a mix of all various chips since they all sound different and now im talking about a correct mix of all of the various chips that brings synergy.

I encountered at each step, when an extra one starts seemly wrong (though still a having a very noticeable difference), adding a different chip elsewhere solves it (rebalances the sonics) and leave the sound at a new higher level.

I'm now looking into the Nordost Quantum QV2 /Kemp QA plug, im totally impressed with this nano / quantum suff. Freakly Amazin'.

I've retired a whole bunch of Oyaide plugs taken now, they just seem to make a too huge a difference and sometimes in the wrong sonic direction. The effects of these chips are pronounced but to me improves in the right or linear magnitude. It's just such a nice icing on the cake.

I guess these chips work fantastically as a final step when the sound of ones system is correctly done. These chips make taking the guesswork and headaches out of adding tweaks which may or may not make a nice difference and end taking wild stabs in the quest of perfection.

Just my 2 cents!

Its as i have added another qol, more there with greater refinement.
The darn background hiss seems clearer and more appearent.

Did you encounter this as well.
Sorry, I meant it's as if i added another QOL.

Love what the QOL it does but the hiss does annoy me. The hiss has become clearer now that the chips are installed.
Very happy with the Power Chip on the inside of my circuit breaker box panel. I have fuse, cable, and transformer chips, and the Power Chip
has proven to be the best, IMO. I had experimented with moving the chips around, and trying them in different applications (cable chip on a transformer, for example), and was not happy with the results.
Maybe I will try a Power Chip outside the house, like where the
utility lines come in?
Ok, makes sense.
So, you are using some of the chips with the Qol? I had the Transformer and Cap chips on it for a while but I have recently removed them but I don't recall hearimg any hiss.
From dealer for the WA Quantum Chip:

"Chips that have been cut or otherwise opened up to expose the interior treated material are explicitly excluded from this Guarantee."

It would appear that cutting or otherwise exposing the interior quantum material exposes the material to light, which would change the nature of the quantum material over time, just as the number if treatments of the original Intelligent Chip was limited due to repeated bombardment by the CD laser. The WA Chip sandwich material is almost certainly some sort of polycarbonate film or similar IR blocker that protects the quantum material inside the sandwich from exposure to sunlight, room lighting and laser light.

Cutting the WA Chip allows light to enter through the edge of the chip, changing it's functional characteristic. It's also possible the sandwich material is not 100% lightproof so that a sufficient amount of light permeates the film over a period of time - especially in proximity to a CD laser - to change the functional characteristics of the quantum material.
Agreed that power chip is the very effective but characteristic may make it sound more closed in i.e result of more focus. this may result in other chips tto come to play to open and smoothen the sound.

it soynd clearly more ballsy and full sounding than the other types of chips. thats way im going to have spare chips to fine tune may be the way to go. again system dependent. imo power chip may sound hard and harsh in a system that sound on the raw side already.
Wa Quantum Chips and Musical Instrument Effects.
I have previously posted my results for the Quantum Chips at Audio Assylum-Tweeks forum. In summary on my two audio systems (1)speaker and (2) headphone, there was a significant change but not one that I cared for long term.

I also ordered an instrument chip and here are the results.
With the help of noted professional musician Jason Reed of the rock group the "Liars", the chip was placed on an acoustic guitar. Immediate and noticeable change. "The good gualities of this guitar's tone are made better with the chip attached". The chip was taken off the next day and placed on a second guitar and then the original test guitar. A decrease in effect was heard (which puzzled all listeners) with both guitars, but a lesser effect was still present.
Next the same chip was placed on the viola of Ron Smith of the El Paso Texas Symphony. A decrease in lower vibrations (bass) was heard but note decay was prolonged. He felt the chip might be useful for a soloist but would make a group player's instrument stand out.
For the past two weeks the chip has been on my son's viola (high school player). The viola's sound is shifted upward with a prolongation of note decay. He feels the effect the last few days has become stronger.
These chips are fascinating to say the least.

David Pritchard
thats fasinating! How would you reckon the chip will work on say a grand piano with such size.

stick the instrument chip on the body, external, internal, on some keys. seems to complex to grasp where it would have its effect.
"How would you reckon the chip will work on say a grand piano with such size? Stick the instrument chip on the body, external, internal, on some keys. seems to complex to grasp where it would have its effect."

Take something relatively simple, say a flute. How does the chip affect the sound? I.e., what is the operating mechanism? Or a bass drum - what would be the operating mechanism?
The WA web site states there is an audible change with pianos. I would put it on the piano's soundboard. Professional drummer Drew Hubbard just tried the chip on his drum set- tom-tom an audible change, the kick drum -no change.
Also interesting is the effect of Synergistic Research's Quantum Tunneling. There is a significant change to the sound of acoustic instruments when their strings are treated. I have heard the change on cello strings, viola strings, and Fender Strarocaster electric guitar strings..
I have placed a Power Chip on the rigid hose-like cable that runs from the electic meter/box to the wall of the house. IMO, this is the best chip value, and most influential location. Picture available on request...

What else can you do to do your system, OUTSIDE YOUR HOUSE OR OFFICE, and before the music hits your ears, that so favorably impacts what you will be hearing?
Sgordon, your TVs is clearer too.

Agree the powerful is influential on my system. Have another 4 on order. I'm going to try the too many approach but not take em out. Will balance out the sound by using other types of chips.

3 on my line breaker was very dramatic but closed in the sound. A byproduct of more focussed sound?

I got a quartzcrystal and some silk absorber on the mains coming into the house. Misteriously they have vanished!

I guess the meterman was wondering what the crap and removed them. Unknown the powerchip is to costly to risk that.
Just ordered a Power chip, $99 bucks! Is the best place on the main circuit breaker?
Placing a WA fuse chip on top of one end of a standard fuse did make an audible improvement.

I took out a pair of Supremme fuses I was using in my Acoustat servo amps and re-inserted the two stock fuses without the chips.

The sound was less focused and a bit shrill.

Adding the WA chips to the stock fuses improved the sound,and made the stock fuse sound more like the sound the amps had with the Supreme fuses.

Sounds too good to be true doesn't it?

I then took the chips off one amp only and listened.

The sound of the amp without the chips again sounded more grainy, less smooth than the amp with the chips.

I was about to try the Nano fuses,but I think I'll quit where I am at and enjoy the sound as it is.

This has to be the cheapest ,most effective tweak I've ever experienced.
Well I placed the "Power chip" on the side of the Main Power Breaker.
Is that The best place?
I wonder if it needs to be touching metal such as on the circuit breaker box...
Those of you with the power chip, your advise is appreciated.
Ozzy, I have two Power Chips. One has been outstanding on my new HB Cable Designs PowerSlave power strip at the IEC plug. I have tried three positions on my power panel without being at all satisfied. Mine in inserted into the wall. I have tried inside on the top, on the particular breakers, and under them in the unused area. I have also tried it on the wall outlet.

The one on the power strip is so musical, real, dynamic, and sweet that I am most satisfied to just use it. This maybe the most effective Chip. Of course, I have not removed the others, so it maybe just the final brick in the wall.

I have continually found these WAQuantum Chips breakin. Initially the bass is boomy and ill defined and the top end is just not there. Three hours later they are much better and two days later, divine.
Davidpritchard, your experience with instruments means that it is vibrations that are being effected not electrons. I had an experience in NM that suggests otherwise. I had put one of the ic Chips on and enjoyed the improvement. Later that evening while still enjoying the sound, I noticed that the chip on one ic was just hanging from one corner. As the sound was not affected, I assume this meant some non-vibration impact. But on speakers I have found that scotch tape is inadequate for attachment. The Chip needs to be directly attached. Finally, the new Power Chip just sitting on my HB power strip has a big effect. I have yet to directly attach the Chip.

Sgordon, I am going to try you outside use of the Power Chip. How do you protect yours from the weather?
Tbg, thanks for the response. I have found that 2 Cable chips on my Circuit breaker seem to add more dynamics, but I couldn't discern any change with just the Power chip.
Perhaps, I need to experiment further with its placement.
What a great hobby! One guy does back flips over
something that yields little or no improvement for someone else!

I started with one Power Chip on a Furutech strip,
and really liked it. Adding another Chip to the
breaker box, and another to the cable from the main power box leading into the house, dramatically improved the sound.

I have not found that the Power Chips are very sensitive to placement changes. I have not experienced any break in period. Being in Maryland, where we can get 30+ days of 90 degree weather, I have simply turned the Chip "upside down"
on the outside cable (western exposure), so that it is somewhat shielded from the elements, and faces the ground. I have not noticed any difference in the sound under different weather conditions, like rain.

Then, there is the question, "What to add, or subtract?"
If you are adding a tweak that is making an improvement, is it worthwhile to subtract or take away other things that have been in place, and have been working well? Conversely, if you are adding something and not really experiencing a positive result, does it make sense to remove the tweaks that are already in place?

At least with friends or family members at a holiday gathering, you might have an idea of who mixes well with others. (And who doesn't!) In the audio world, an open
mind, and open ears, are your best allies... agreed?
Following Tbg suggestion, I placed the power chip on the iEC just before my Audience Conditioner.
Bingo! Great powerful music.
Ozzy, hmm, serendipity at work. What I actually said was that I put a Power Chip on my power strip at the point that the power cord attaches. My system is out of service for a while as it is my grand daughters' bedroom and will be for seven days.

On a related matter, I finally found a spot on my power panel where the second Power Chip gives an improvement. Since my two dedicated lines were installed last, they are at the bottom of my panel. I scotch taped the Power Chip where the breakers are.
Several questions:
1. Has anyone tried a chip on the side of an outlet either in the wall or in a power strip?
2. If one were to try 2 or 3 chips only, which would be most advantageous?