WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips

WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips has anyone tried these?

I have tried the fuse chips and I am quite impressed! How the ... ???

So, I went ahead and ordered chips for speakers,cables,and transformer chips. I also purchased a few more fuse chips to try on circuit breakers / outlets.
Heck, I may even try some of them on my Synergistic powercell.
Luckly they come with a 30 day return.

I have read Norm's positive review on Stereo Times.

Just wondering if anyone else has tried these.

Showing 24 responses by tbg

Ozzy, I have two Power Chips. One has been outstanding on my new HB Cable Designs PowerSlave power strip at the IEC plug. I have tried three positions on my power panel without being at all satisfied. Mine in inserted into the wall. I have tried inside on the top, on the particular breakers, and under them in the unused area. I have also tried it on the wall outlet.

The one on the power strip is so musical, real, dynamic, and sweet that I am most satisfied to just use it. This maybe the most effective Chip. Of course, I have not removed the others, so it maybe just the final brick in the wall.

I have continually found these WAQuantum Chips breakin. Initially the bass is boomy and ill defined and the top end is just not there. Three hours later they are much better and two days later, divine.
Davidpritchard, your experience with instruments means that it is vibrations that are being effected not electrons. I had an experience in NM that suggests otherwise. I had put one of the ic Chips on and enjoyed the improvement. Later that evening while still enjoying the sound, I noticed that the chip on one ic was just hanging from one corner. As the sound was not affected, I assume this meant some non-vibration impact. But on speakers I have found that scotch tape is inadequate for attachment. The Chip needs to be directly attached. Finally, the new Power Chip just sitting on my HB power strip has a big effect. I have yet to directly attach the Chip.

Sgordon, I am going to try you outside use of the Power Chip. How do you protect yours from the weather?
Ozzy, hmm, serendipity at work. What I actually said was that I put a Power Chip on my power strip at the point that the power cord attaches. My system is out of service for a while as it is my grand daughters' bedroom and will be for seven days.

On a related matter, I finally found a spot on my power panel where the second Power Chip gives an improvement. Since my two dedicated lines were installed last, they are at the bottom of my panel. I scotch taped the Power Chip where the breakers are.
Ozzy, I have yet to stick the Power Chip to my HB Cable Designs PowerSlave. Rather it is just sitting on top the PowerSlave. I would not worry about the adhesive on the Power Chips. It is hard to peal some of these Chips off, but they do pull all the adhesive off.

I have added two Transformer Chips on the torodials in my LSA Statement Plus amp with a very great improvement. All of my electronic components have Transformer Chips. I am on hold right now as my listening room is in use as a bedroom for my granddaughters.
Gbmcleod, don't be too quick in your judgment as they "break in." Wait at least over night. Strangely, I think, they seem to breakin only once.
The Synergistic Research Quantum fuses have dampening in the center but still benefit from the Quantum Chips. I also use tape to hold them on but some equipment with IEC fuse trays hold the fuse so tightly that this is impossible. I have found you can attach the Chip after the fuse is in the tray.
Charles1dad, oh, yes, they improve with time. And if you remove them and later put them on something else, you experience the same thing.

Antigrunge, You remind me that I haven't put one on my cartridge yet.

Boeing, they are quite component specific and their expense varies greatly. Some are very effective and others much less so. Everything is trial and error.

Gbmcleod, my old Western Electric and Reimyo 300B amps took a long time to sound their best. Not three hours but close to that.
Davidpritchard, I would be very concerned about throwing the cd out of balance. I would also be concerned about the Chip being thrown off.
Geoffkait, isn't a lot like a cereal manufacturer when asked how much cereal should be put into the bowl, telling you fill it to the top?
Geoffkait, as a scientist, I'm always seeking a theory that would suggest where something might work best. With jade quartz I have largely given up. Isolation devices, however, cannot be ignored.
Gbmcleod, tweaks are a real crapshoot. Trial and error is all we have going for us. I put a Syn. Res. Quantum fuse in a new preamp and was amazed. Then the next day it was better, as on the third day. I got suspicious and took it out. It was not as good but still it was considerably better than before I put the SR in.

Finally, I put the SR back in with a major improvement. Was I happy? Yes, but not satisfied. I put a WA Quantum fuse Chip on the SR fuse yesterday and last night listened critically-wow!

I cannot be absolutely in praise of the WA Quantums, however. The Line and speaker Chips only work IMO on some wires and speakers. The SR Quantums are directional and in all cases I found, their writing goes the wrong was, which guides me to how to initially put them in, once I check with the manufacturer, if they even know. You can check by putting your meter on the hot blade of the IEC and find which internal wire shows continuity. This is with the switch of the unit off.
Geoffkait, the WA Quantum Chips remind me of Acoustic Revive jade tweaks. Since there is no real theory for why they work, everything is trial and error. I think their effects vary greatly as does their breakin period. My most extensive experiences are with the Fuse Chips. Even there the impact varies how long it takes to have its fullest effect. Generally, it is very quick. Overall, the Chips may even have a negative effect as did AR Jade.
Gbmcleod, I will have to put the Power Supply Chip on the main cable rather than the box. This is difficult as the breaker box is in my wife's closet.

I have a copy of Master Handbook of Acoustics and had built 14 of the 16" deep diffusors. I have a large 28 by 18 by 11.5 listening room but these babies took up lots of room. Ultimately, all prior room treatments were replaced by 11 Zilplex 1/2 silver bowls and got a major improvement. Don't ask me how these things work, but they are Tibetan bowls but ring beyond our hearing. There are minor tweaking that one might do with the Zilplexes, but in reality just following the recommendations they give to the letter, yields great results.
No, we built RPG like professional diffusors like shown in the Handbook.

All that I can say is google zilplex.
Geoffkait, yes trial and error is about the only way to proceed. I might add that things change. I used to find the cable Chips worked but with new cables this is no longer true.

This is much like pieces of jade. In some places the have great benefit while in others they do great harm.
Jade is chemically defined and is typically Oriental. Quartz is typically European.

Yes, I have used and continue to use AR QR-8 quartz but usually Zilplexes are much more effective.
Geoffkait, yes how it sounds in trial and error tests is all that guides their use. In my interviews with the AR folks their sound is all that mattered.
I have yet to try the WA Quantum Chips on High Fidelity cables. Has anybody done so?
Unconscious, you reminded me. No, as yet, I have not tried them. Next week, I will give them a try. Of course, I have no idea where to place them, so there will be a good deal of trial and error.
Unconscious, I forgot to add that I don't have HFC phono cables at present as I need XLRs to input into my BMC MCCI phono stage. I can try them on pcs, ics and speaker wires.