WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips

WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips has anyone tried these?

I have tried the fuse chips and I am quite impressed! How the ... ???

So, I went ahead and ordered chips for speakers,cables,and transformer chips. I also purchased a few more fuse chips to try on circuit breakers / outlets.
Heck, I may even try some of them on my Synergistic powercell.
Luckly they come with a 30 day return.

I have read Norm's positive review on Stereo Times.

Just wondering if anyone else has tried these.
Onhwy61 wrote,

"It's important to remember that audiophiles are more interested in cutting edge technology than NASA, the military or the telecommunications industry. Anyway, that's what one person argued earlier in this thread."

Yes, I get the sarcasm, but let's do a quick survey, shall we, of some of the technological innovations, advanced technology devices and cutting edge technology that have come down the audio pike in the last 20 years or so.

In no particular order - Quantum Resonance Technology (QRT), quantum dot nanotechnology, sub-Hertz vibration isolation, quantum teleportation, Lessloss Blackbody, mind-matter interaction (cream electret, rainbow foil), mineral crystals for resonance and RFI/EMI control, ionizers and demagnetizers for CDs and LPs, Schumann Frequency Generator, whatever the WA Quantum Chips are made from, Herbie's HALO electron tube dampers, SteinMusic Harmonizer, Mpingo Disc resonator, tiny little bowl resonators from Tchang and Synergistic Research, Bybee quantum filters, and morphic resonance (Red X Coordinate Pen and Morphic Message Foils from PWB).

NASA, by contrast, brought us rocks from the moon, exploding Space Shuttles, a Space Telescope that couldn't see and the dream that there might be water on Mars.
Mapman wrote,

"How does one know if the chip is working properly or if defective?"

That's what the naysayers always ask about tweaks when someone reports no effects or that it makes the sound worse. There are a number of reasons why people sometimes don't hear certain tweaks. Defective product is not one of them. And no, the electrons in the WA Chips do not evaporate. You tried some tweaks that didn't work, right? Were they defective? Lol

The main reasons why people sometimes don't hear certain tweaks or don't get the same results as most users are (1) instructions were not followed correctly, (2) there is at least one problem somewhere in the system that prevents the device under test from being heard, (3) the listening ability of the user is not all he thinks it is, and (4) the system is not sufficiently resolving to be capable of revealing the effects.

"How is the customer support with these products when results are not heard and a defective device a possibility?"

When did you stop beating your wife?

As someone pointed out earlier, some dealers for the WA Chips, if not all, have a 30 day return policy. Furthermore, don't all tweaks these days have a 30 day return policy? You know, what the Four Reasons why some customers don't hear them.
Flashunlock, Well I guess you gave it a try. I think you can still get your money back even if they have been used.
I'm still liking them. Soon, I think I will have over 40 of them. What I am hearing is way more dynamics and a much clearer soundstage. It just seems to get better and better with the more that are added.
Ozzy... thanks again. a lot of tweaks don't work in my system because it is a very balanced and revealing one.
Flashunlock wrote,

"Ozzy... thanks again. a lot of tweaks don't work in my system because it is a very balanced and revealing one."

I had a bad feeling this would happen one day.

My system has become so dynamic with all of the WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips that I swear, I think I can knock down a fly in mid air with a single drum wack.
Only geof would equate asking reasonable questions about products and vendors in aforum like this with wife beating. No surprise!
Mapman, I'm a little disappointed that you completely overlooked asking if quantum material might have long term health risks. It seems to me that's the logical next question after asking if they might be defective. You can't eat just one chip. Ha ha

System sounded a bit off today and since nothing has been added prior and after the fuse chips. I duly removed them from the pre amp and what do you know.... the sound came back to live. The fuse chips gave more dynamic, volume to a sense etc at first but now after a week or so has dulled the sound especially the highs. Music became less involving, detail and lost the PRAT factor. I have no idea what the chips are doing but they will not be going back into my system. I know a lot of you have found them to be very impressive but these are my findings and opinion. Your may differ.

Flashunlock, I can abide with the WA Chips not making a difference in some applications and in some systems. That's one thing. But when they hurt the sound, that I cannot abide. Did you by any chance bring a lot of books or telephone books into your place last week? :-)
Flashunlock, was it anything like this (excerpt from the Positive Feedback review of the Red And Blue Intelligent Chips review):

"However, the application is wholly different. The original GSIC (still around and upgraded, by the way) is used on CDs and its effects are permanent. The new ones are placed on top of transformers and power cords and their effects are completely reversible. They come in two versions: the light Blue is for use on amps; the orangey-Red is for front-end gear. I can merely hope the fracas caused by the original GSIC is not to be repeated.

Four of the Blues went on top of the IEC jacks of the power cords at the point where they entered the Kharma MP150 monoblocks; three Reds similarly went onto PCs of the front-end. After a couple of rounds of on and off, one hones in on their effects: the insignificant, little, weight-less, blue wafers produced noticeably sharper transient attacks and soundstage focus. What—how do they do that??? You actually get a crisper, faster, tighter, and more dynamic presentation. Image borders firmed up, and the corpus inside them became more solid and dense. In the bass, this firming was heard as a propulsive, noticeable, bouncing rhythmic line. The chips also redistributed sound energy, taking some away from the lower mids and moving it downwards into the bass region. All to the good, you would think. However, I wasn't so sure about that. I had a nicely balanced frequency distribution to start with: the chip-induced redistribution caused some lumps and unevenness—Fabio's violin lost some of its patina and acquired an unnatural and disturbing focus. The sound was evidencing a degree of hardness now.

Without the chips, the presentation was notably softer, less focused, and more spread. Stage width was more continuous across its span because instrumental borders weren't as demarcated. Dimensional cues were good, and frequency response was nice and even, if favoring the midrange. I liked it better this way, without them: I judged it more natural."
Flashunlock, that seems mighty peculiar. What does your system consists of?
Apart from the SR Powercell, all my other equipment that I've tried the chips on have either seperate power supplies or the transformers are seperated like a double decker bus so maybe this could be the reason why it kind of killed the sound by over doing it.

The chips has made my system sounded IMO worse so one thing for sure is that they do do something. I tried them on/off about few times remembering the positive gains of the fuse chips in my pre and never got it back so finally gave up because a: they dulled the sound and b: they wouldn't stick anymore.

Ozzy, I'm so glad that they are doing wonderful things for your system.
But Ozzy, can you cut the fly in half in midair? Then you have accomplished something Grasshopper!
Ozzy, You have heard the sound of one hand clapping! And congratulations on limiting the fly population.
Well, I have to conclude that in my system (using the Cary 306 Pro SACD) that the Capacitor chips and the Transformer chips were not a good thing. The sound quality actually sounded a little distorted and flat. I suspect that the digital circuitry just did not like these chips. But,I am still using the one fuse chip with it.

However, I now have 14 cable chips, 5 Transformer chips, 8 of the large Cap chips, 8 of the small cap chips, speaker chips, and many of the fuse chips and this is the first time I have experienced a negative reaction with the chips. Very interesting Â…
Any other comments?
Have you tried backing out any of the other chips to see if their effects have been holding steady?
Do you have to wait several hundred hours for these to properly break-in? I assume the adhesive has to settle in on the sub-atomic level. Those quarks are quirky.

The same thing happened when I used the transformer chips in my SACD player, pre and monos. Infact, even the fuse chips that were in my pre ( Krell Evo-2) seperate power supplies sounded dull and flat after a week or so.
You might want to try removing a fuse chip at a time from your system and listen again. I think you MIGHT find it sounding more alive. Just my cent.
Thanks for the replies, at this point everything sounds wonderful, so I probably won't experiment with removing any more of them.
The adhesive is a problem though; once they have been applied for a period of time and then removed they don't seem to stick as well elsewhere. Perhaps applying some scotch tape over them will work.

I still very much believe they have improved my listening enjoyment, but it just seems that the digital unit did not approve
It would be very clever if the quantum material was contained in the adhesive. Of course that might represent a problem if the chips are moved from one location to another.

The manufacturer recommends first trying the chips without removing the backing sheet in order to evaluate them.

"The WA-Quantum Chips come with a 14 day money back guarantee. A full refund will be granted only if the Chips are returned without any damage. In particular, the sheet at the back should be in place. The Chips can be given a first try by placing them on a component with the back sheet still in place."

Geoffkait , I would think the manufacturer wants to be able to resell them. But then, I still have no idea how it works.
You'd think a high tech quantum device would have a better designed attachment system. :)
Well, I just removed the cable chips that I had on all of my XLR HiDiamond interconnects, and to my surprise the music became more fleshed out. This is very strange since originally I thought it was much better. The HiDiamond interconnects are made with carbon internally, not sure if that matters though.
I still have the cable chips on all of my HiDiamond Power cords but with those they are attached on the IEC ends.
Ozzy... That is exactely what happened to me. I'm glad you have tried taking them off.
I've also tried the cable chip on the IEC of the power cords with the same result so off it came.

You must be craching your head just like me when my system sounded ill with the chips. :)
Raks wrote,

"Has anyone dissected one of the Chips and looked at it under a microscope?"

That's an interesting question. What exactly would he be looking for and where would he look for it? Let's he's using a scanning electron microscope. First place to look: under the big W. :-)
"That's an interesting question. What exactly would he be looking for and where would he look for it? Let's he's using a scanning electron microscope. First place to look: under the big W. :-)"

Geoff, as a supposed resident quantum audio expert, I keep hoping some day you'll answer some questions about this stuff beyond just asking more.

So what exactly would one find under the big W?
Mapman, you must not have seen It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. The money was buried under the Big W. Are jokes verboten here?

With respect to all my questions, you're probably too young to remember the Socratic Method. :-)

Did you have a question? :-)
Oozy wrote,

"Well, I just removed the cable chips that I had on all of my XLR HiDiamond interconnects, and to my surprise the music became more fleshed out. This is very strange since originally I thought it was much better."

Uh, oh. Big trouble in little Quantumland.


For Pete's sake, don't cut the chip! The secret of the chip came to me in a dream last night.

Under the 'W' is a micro-communication device. WA-Quantum has found a backdoor in and the chip is constantly calling and receiving this free of charge: http://machinadynamica.com/machina60.htm

I have also found that on wall warts such as the Synergistic Galieo mini couplers the use of the Transformer chips is not a good thing. The Cables chips work much better on these devices. I am also trying a cable chip on my main breaker in my Circuit Breaker box.

Geoffkait, If you have tried the products please provide your actual experience. But, can you hold back all the smart a.. comments ? Thanks.
Ozzy, I have found when it comes to quantum mechanics you need to develop a sensa humor. I have, or have had, the Magic Ring, Ultra Tweeters (including the Delux version), the Soundstage Enhancer, the original Intelligent Chip, the Red and Blue Intelligent Chips, Quantum Electaclear, Quantum Symphony and Quantum Clip, among many other quantum mechanical devices. Not to mention my own quantum mechanical products - there are now four. Blush. I wrote the definitive explanation for the Intelligent Chip 7 years ago. I designed the next generation Intelligent Chip and the Super Intelligent Chip. I have some of the WA Q Chips sitting here waiting for my new Blu Ray player to get modded, so I can't comment yet on their sonic attributes.
Ozzy, Glad you too found the transformer chip don't work for the Galieo plug... I have a cable chip which I will try instead and get back to you.

Flashunlock, Still experimenting with placement of these little buggers. Funny how one type of chip acts differently than another.
Geoffkait, I have owned many of your products in the past,and I look forward for your opinion once you have tried the chips.
Ozzy, it will likely be a while before I get a chance to play around with the WA Q Chips, unfortunately. I'm on a list. Ha ha. One can't help wondering, you know, with the reports of the sound changing over time, getting worse, after the WA chips are installed, if maybe the chips are morphing, changing their original formulation from something positive to something onerous. I'm still collating but what could make them morph, I mean, besides the black liquid from Prometheus? Ha ha. Could there be a connection to the Intelligent Chip, and why the Intelligent Chip runs out of steam? Hmmmmm, puzzling.

Cheers, Geoff
Isn't everything in the universe made of quantum material? What is "Quantum Material"? Quantum Theory is a statistical endeavor to understand matter/energy on a small scale. To me, quantum material is just a bunch of BS.
Koestner wrote,

"Isn't everything in the universe made of quantum material? What is "Quantum Material"? Quantum Theory is a statistical endeavor to understand matter/energy on a small scale. To me, quantum material is just a bunch of BS."

Obviously everything in the universe is made of atoms, but that is not what I'm referring to by, "quantum material." "Quantum material" in the context of the Intelligent Chip - and perhaps the WA Q Chips - is "artificial atoms," laboratory-grown nanoscale semiconductors that behave much differently than ordinary atoms. These "artificial atoms" can be designed to exhibit specific characteristics, such as wavelength of emitted photons and bandwidth of absorbed energy.

Furthermore, quantum mechanics is not entirely the theory of energy and matter on a small scale, as you stated; quantum mechanics has evolved to the application stage, where quantum mechanical effects are observed on a macro scale and where quantum mechanical principles can be applied to real world problems and applications. For example, the laser in an ordinary CD player is actually a "quantum well" and behaves quantum mechanically, the fluorescing laser photons' color/wavelength being a function of the characteristics of the "quantum material" inside the laser assembly. The "quantum material" inside the Intelligent Chip is referred to as "quantum dots," in which the electrons are confined in all three dimensions.
I should clarify, I'm not saying that it won't change the sound as I have not tried one and therefore have no opinion that's worth anything on the sound subject. I do think that calling it "Quantum Material" is just some marketing BS though.
yeah, the weord quantum gets thrown about in this hobby quite often. Still, there is something going on with these stickers. I have placed one of the Cable chips with Blu Tack on my main house circuit breaker. Not sure how to tell if it is doing anything however. Perhaps my electric bill will go down?
The vendors clearly use the term "quantum" in their marketing literature yet provide little or no information beyond that. Those are the only "facts" provided. So make of it what you will.
Let's see, what else could the WA Quantum Chip possibly be if it doesn't contain quantum material? Something that can be "programmed" for each application, something that cannot be seen (maybe it's in the ink used to make the W and A on the stickers....hmmmmm), something that apparently can improve the sound, do nothing, or hurt the sound. Can we rule out PWB Morphic Message Foils, Cream Electret and Leaf Green Cream, constrained layer damping and EMI/RFI absorbing ink/paint?
Mapman wrote,

"The vendors clearly use the term "quantum" in their marketing literature yet provide little or no information beyond that. Those are the only "facts" provided. So make of it what you will."

You overlooked one key bit of data provided on the manufacturer's site.

"Eight specifically programmed types available."

Make of it what you will. Heh
And all of this science fiction technology sells for a few bucks? Well, I guess you have to make a living.
GEoff has a purty programmed Diamond Light Crystal High Frequency Clarifier for sale here I see:


Despite being announced as unannounced, one can clearly read about it and buy it and try it. That's a nice trick in itself! :^)
" These "artificial atoms" can be designed to exhibit specific characteristics, such as wavelength of emitted photons and bandwidth of absorbed energy. "

Geoff, hate to break the news, but pretty much everything in the universe is designed that way already.

THe science of Remote Sensing is based on it.

Artificial atoms! Nice marketing term! Very impressive!